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Ks panfish slayer

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About Ks panfish slayer

  • Birthday 04/28/1973

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    <p>Humboldt, Ks</p>

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Fry (1/9)



  1. Old 76 ranger and my u-tube, and my toon
  2. I have a fishcat ir streamer, and love it when I'm not in my old ranger. In and out of a pickup in seconds and only ways 50 pounds or so. With the oars and a set of flippers no need for a motor. Pontoons rule for small water. Good luck and tight lines.
  3. I own a small bass boat and a fishcat pontoon I still love my toon! Buy flippers! With very very little effort you will be moving across and around the water leaving your hands free for fishing! Best 30 dollors too spend for toon fishing. I'm still trying too learn a fishfinder after 3 years good luck and tight lines.
  4. My name is Leslie Smith, I'm from humboldt,ks been fishing since I was too little too remember. I mainly fish with my dad or my kids at our area local lakes I feel blessed too have more than 10 lakes less than an hour away. I fish out of my 76 ranger when cold or my float tubes once it warms up. My dad and I wish all year long and love catching any fish from bluegill too nice size bass. I don't discriminate when it comes too fish. Any fish is a good fish good luck and Tight lines.
  5. Great fish!! You picked a reallllly good evening!
  6. Way too go newfisherman, I also fished this weekend and didn't land a thing. But had a ball trying, sounds like a great fish here in SE kansas we don't have the 10 pound plus fish so I'm always excited about a 5 pounder. Congrats and tightlines!
  7. Would be my 76 ranger, Its old but it floats and runs like a tiger. 500 bucks the 50 hp johnson is awsome on the small boat.
  8. Well ive been smelling it for a month. But here in SE kansas all the lakes have been frozen over for a month and the ice is to thin and ice fishing isn't for me. But tomarrow its going to be 70 and sunny and the old ranger and I will be on the water.
  9. Sounds like a great trip. My dad taught me and we fish togather every month and I've taught all four of my kids. At least 3 of them love the outdoors and are tired of being cooped up this winter just like there dad!
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