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Ken Blevins

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About Ken Blevins

  • Birthday 06/06/1945

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  1. I have a 1432 lowes that won't plane with a 1972 "long shaft"...I had a 10 hp short shaft Rude that almost got it up on plane ,but the motor was worn out...Bought a 18 hp evinrude thats so strong I had to put an electric starter on it [ long shaft]..The 18 hp motor would not get it to plane , the front end straight in the air..Tried to bring plane down and it would fall outta plane [ figured prop was to low in the water.]..I bought a stationary jack plate with a 3 in setback and raised the the prop 5 inches higher than it was.....Getting ready to sell the boat.Guy who wanted boat ,tested it and complained it would not plane...hate to lose the sale ? What must i do to get this up on plane..set it back another 3 inchs ? raise the prop higher ? the prop is real small? go to another larger prop??? sorry for the long e-mail thanks Ken 6645 Ps would a whale tail work ????? if anyone has any ideas shoot me a email chantil@roadrunner.com[nnnnnnmmnnnmmm] Delete
  2. i have just bought my first i phone 5. Now I would like to add a good fishing app that would allow for fish photo, type of fish, weight, how deep, temp, wind direction, type of bait, GPS location, line weight [braid or mono], lure type and so on...... I'm not interested in games .. Any suggestions?? Thanks for your time Ken "so much to learn, so little time"
  3. Hello forum I'm getting ready to teach myself how to make spinner baits from beginning to finished bait...I've got just about any tool that I might need..I tried needle nose pliers but was disappointed with the final product ...SO I think i'm going to invest in a wire forming tool. I would really like a Worth Bender but can't afford it [800.00+] .so I'm looking for something a little cheaper by about 700.00... I wanted to know if any of you have any experience with the Twistech former or Boggs or any other bender for that matter..I guess i might be able to make one but I don't care much much for the trail and error part of making one .... thanks a lot for your time Ken chantil@roadrunner.com
  4. check out "fishing flea market" Got some Garcia's that may be what you need Ken
  5. i'm hearing alot of talk about ethanol gas problems. I'm not sure what the problems are ,what to look for ,or how to fix or minimize the problem?? How long has this has been a problem.???..My motor is a 2004 XR6 150 with a little more than 200 hours total. should I be worried about fuel issues? Thanks Ken
  6. Todd would you email me with a contack number or address. thanks---Ken chantil@roadrunner.com Sorry if this is inapproprete[sp] but I didn't have enough online posts to PM him directly
  7. My kids gave me a 586 Hummingbird for Xmas to replace my old eagle. Now I'm in the market for a unit with GPS -sonar speed and temp.I" looking to spend in the 500 dollar range.Any one have any suggestions ,tips on what not to buy.I would prefer to stay with hummingbird but I'm open to other brands Ken
  8. I thought I wanted to try fly fishing so I built me a 5 wt- 9 ft rod.After 1 year of trying [w/o any sucess] I am giving up .. So has any one tried to use a spinning reel on a fly rod? .Just a thought , but seems like it would be a lot of fun for catching bluegills or even bass.If any one has any helpfull hints feel free to chime in thanks Ken
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