Well I fish for mostly smallmouth bass, I fish the "Mecca" of smallmouth bass fisheries, the Tennessee River Chain. About the Fly Fisherman thing I would say there's no difference in us except the way we fish. We are all here for one thing and that is the enjoyment and the betterment of out sport. Id say all sportsman hunters or fisherman have a sortove a mutual respect for each other, the only way I can explain it is if someone cuts infront of me and they have a B.A.S.S. sticker on their car it doesn't bother me as much, I really don't know why but its doesn't. You also have to understand that we are all here to make sure our sport lasts because there are alot of people that want to see it go we all have to "be on the same team" I guess you could say. Fishing id say for most of us that are on the site is not as much as a recreational activity as it is a way of life. And if you look at some of the posts you'll realize this isn't your grandpas fishing anymore. We don't wait for the fish with a bobber, we find them with lures.