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Everything posted by Preston

  1. I was just wondering if any of you guys tied thier own hair jigs and i was also wondering if you needed any special equipment and if it is an easy thing to do. I fish for smallmouth and it gets to be a pain looking for hair jigs with the right color and weight and ive thought about this for some time but never commited becuase i dont know how much money it would take. I know some people who tie thier own flys and they do jigs too but i have no experence in tying anything except fishing knots and i was just wondering would it be worth it to get into it.
  2. Now i know the topic sounds a little wierd but youll get it in a second. I bought some red fingernail polish and painted or enlarged (if already painted on) gills on my lures and then put some red trailing from the gills and put red hooks on these baits. Now i think i heard someone tell me that thy did this but im not sure. I was just wondering if anyone else did this and if you did how it worked? PS: If your gonna try this make sure you dont screw up becuase fingernail polish remover rubs the finish of the bait as quick as it does the nail polish.
  3. Tennessee baby, world record smallmouth fishing is what we do in this part of the map
  4. I stared a couple of years ago and i found myself in this site. The first thing you need to do just start reading the begginers articals, it will help you alot. Then start looking for anwsers to general questions in either "featured articals" or "seasonal articals." Then if you still have questions thats what this forum is for. Well your in for alot fo fun and some work but its all worth it. And you found the right place, this is a good enviorment to get a begining fisherman on his feet. It sure helped me. Good Luck and Tight Lines.
  5. Now i know that most of the time a plasic jig will produce bigger bass but in a world of new baits where does the old hair jig come into play in largemouth fishing?
  6. Ive gotten that vibe too about Roland but yea hes deffnitly a great angler
  7. Well I fish for mostly smallmouth bass, I fish the "Mecca" of smallmouth bass fisheries, the Tennessee River Chain. About the Fly Fisherman thing I would say there's no difference in us except the way we fish. We are all here for one thing and that is the enjoyment and the betterment of out sport. Id say all sportsman hunters or fisherman have a sortove a mutual respect for each other, the only way I can explain it is if someone cuts infront of me and they have a B.A.S.S. sticker on their car it doesn't bother me as much, I really don't know why but its doesn't. You also have to understand that we are all here to make sure our sport lasts because there are alot of people that want to see it go we all have to "be on the same team" I guess you could say. Fishing id say for most of us that are on the site is not as much as a recreational activity as it is a way of life. And if you look at some of the posts you'll realize this isn't your grandpas fishing anymore. We don't wait for the fish with a bobber, we find them with lures.
  8. Norman Husky Jerk or Wild Shiner
  9. finesse, i fish for smallmouth alot $10,000,000 or the world record bass?
  10. when you would rather catch a 12 lb smallie than marry a super model ;D
  11. that was a really good artical and i find it amazing the Clunn is so humble about his fishing skills, i think he is the greatest bass angler
  12. new york cuase of the bronzebacks world record smallmouth and spotted or world record largemouth
  13. hand lining paps blue ribbion or naddy light
  14. What the biggest largemouth bass and smallmouth bass youve caught and what did you catch it on?
  15. I was just wondering what lures yall use for big smallmouth bass, despite the big lure big fish theory a 3 inch grub has caught many good smallmouth for me.
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