I used to post on this forum a year or two ago before it changed. When it changed, some of the people that I used to look for stopped posting as much so I stopped coming here. I have just "refound" the greatness of this forum. There are SO many different people here, which makes for a wealth of information and helpfulness. There are kids as well as old-timers sharing their experiences and their points of view on this great sport. I am amazed at the friendliness and the helpful attitudes of all the people here. The people the advertise on this site don't just push their products or there service but actually get on here and post about things that are not at all related to their service, where else do you find that! This is the best bass fishing site on the internet as far as im concerned. With the assortment of articles and this forum I can't think of a better place to learn about this sport, well other than on the water. Another thing is the wealth of information the moderators have. And last but not least, kudos to Glenn on truly giving something back to the sport by running this site. I was just feeling like I had to give congrats to EVERYONE on this forum, for making it such a great place to learn about fishing. And also congrats and making it such a welcome place for beginning fisherman.