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  1. neat article paul thanks 8-)
  2. i agree with bassnajr , in the pic the child is standing behind the fish then side by side, its not accuate measurement. Still it was the golden ticket fish of that time, Perry will have almost a 100 year streak if no one ever breaks his record.
  3. Its nice pic but if theres more reasons to call it a phony then any ounce of proof then its must be a phony. When i look at it more it does look like a 10 lb fish then 15 lb bass. not really human nature but common sense. It would be human nature to say its a 22 lb fish. Where are all the other 20 lbs bass from Georgia, i met some people from Georgia caught 9-10 lb fish but never seen another 20 lb fish ever! Is there any other record of 20 lb fish ever caught in Georgia other then Perry's fish? really?
  4. Fish Chris and Roadwarrior are right in my opinion. When you really think about it, Perry was good average fisherman with less then average gear to fish with. Is it possible to catch a 22 lb fish off less upgraded rod and reel compared to a zebco combo? Theres always a chance but it doesn't really make sense. Cool to give title to perry for amazing catch but if he only caught a 13 lb fish, then years later tons of people who caught larger fish didn't even get record because he was already given the title of best. Not really fair . :-/
  5. Doug hannon is expert fisherman, who spent 50 or more years fishing, caught 100s of 10 lb bass which not many fisherman in the world do! Its a good opinion about old world record bass, there's only very few pics about that fish and lots of facts missing. A 13 lb bass should be about same size as persons arm or size of little 2-3 ft child. Its very possible that fish was not in 20 lb range but there definitely a lot of information not available .
  6. fish photo album is great idea Chris, some people will just say stuff all the time... its great to show them whos real BOSS!
  7. welcome to Reduced Sugar club... 8-)
  8. name him Alex if you want, have fun bro, thats pretty cool.
  9. TrippyJai i think that when you use uncle josh porkers, good to soak it longer then let the scent last longer or something.
  10. Senile1 i get what you said about the spinnerbait.. Those work in cover and good idea to use a colorado blade in those conditions.
  11. Mikestager, great idea catching those spoonbills, i think its the only way to snag the fish form bottom. There is no other way.
  12. name him after your father or grandfather, brother,ect... more easy to remember.
  13. Huge fish, thats awesome on redeye shad... that takes real skill bro!
  14. Kent, thanks for being on forum to help, i wouldn't be same without the roadwarrior on forum. 8-)
  15. Jimmy houston might say, thats best time kiss fish. :-* 8-) any pics, i never seen bass like that before.
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