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  1. etommy28


  2. Lake Trafford.
  3. Are there any okeechobee reports? Im supposed to boat for this high school tourny and i could not prefish due to engine issues, any good advise?
  4. I think you missed my point, i did a lot of dumb stuff in college, but at the end of the day what drove me to make sure i had everything done that i had to have done was the ability to go fish. If i did not have that motivating me i would have never gotten through college much less graduate school.
  5. there are snook in that same canal off immokalee rd..... do you fish off Bonita Grande? do you know if they waters running.... I highly doubt it, we need rain.
  6. So you would what prefer that your child do what other students do every night, go out drink do drugs..... so on. I was extremely focused on fishing in college, traveling a lot fishing a lot. I can assure you fishing and fishing only kept me from doing a lot of dumb stuff i otherwise would have and made me do all my work so my grades were good enough to be able to tournament fish.
  7. why are you telling some one what to study? I have a Degree in Communications, a minor in marketing and a masters in public admin. I also have a full time job i like very much...... doing none of the three.
  8. the only issue i have is its the same week as the daytona 500....
  9. there are fish in most of the lakes, try lakes park. I used to fish ponds alot but not so much any more.
  10. im assuming your fishing the college tournament, good luck but i cant add any info.
  11. etommy28


    It was rough down south were i was so it wasn't all great down south. I want to Give a shout out to my fellow FGCU Angler Breezy McMillan for coming in second in a pretty stacked field, and another FGCU Angler Hunter Bozeman for making a top 20. I love seeing anglers from our club be able to go out and beat anglers with many more years of experience fishing than we have. After all the young anglers are the future of the sport.
  12. check with river city christian youth club.
  13. I started the Fishing Club at Florida Gulf Coast oh 7 years ago and was a member until this semester when i graduated. I have fished most everything there is and dealt with many issues. If you were in a fishing club how many times would you expect to fish during a full week (include days and hours)? We hold a meeting typically either weekly or every other week, then have a tournament on the weekends, some are picture tournaments that last a couple days some are actual boat tournaments. If you joined the club would you expect to be going on bass boats, kayaks, canoes or even bank fishing? Which would you prefer if you had a choice? We dont require anything. When we have boat tournaments we have our members who have boats bring them then we work with the local clubs to get some more boaters. but most of our stuff is bank fishing until we get to actual like FLW or ACA or BASS tournaments. Would you expect the club to run all year or just for the Fall & Spring time? We run all year. its florida we can fish all year. Would you want to hold tournaments within the club, which would have a prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd at the end of the "season"? we have an end of the year banquet to reconize sponsors and anglers who had good years. Also keep in mind some schools wont let you be funded if you charge dues so watch that be fore you charge any thing.
  14. as some one who has done it i believe any one who says college fishing has no value or doesnt help you take the next step is dead wrong. just look at the guys who have graduated recently and taken a big step. having said that focus on your education and either fish as a CO or save money over time to buy an cheap boat. I have been through 3 boats in college but its cause i did not spend much on the first two.
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