Hi to all! After a ten year down period, just recaught the fishin bug. I'm 39 years and a few months young. I loved fishing as a kid and and am now restarting that passion all over again!
As a youngster around 7 groing up in San Diego, my first experience came at a little lake with a stick and some line with cheese trying to catch a catfish. It worked just fine till I pulled him in and grabbed around the body, Ouch!
Then got my Pocket fisherman for my summer trips to Texas to visit Grand Parents. My brother and I would go to creeks and Perdinalis river to fish, not much luck but fun. When they moved to northern Texas the fishing and summers were more productive. (Still using the Pocket Fisherman) My brother and I would go to the Brazos river and were introduced to Gar. Lots of Gar heads lying on the banks, guessed that no one wanted to touch them! Icaught only one but was still a good memory!
The Grand Parents bought a cattle farm with 3 ponds and little creek near by. While still using the Pocket Fisherman and live grass hoppers, started nailing cat fish, much fun!
A couple years later on the next trip, my Uncle was loading pond with bass, Wow what an amazing time I had! Using Rapala Jointed minnow and Knocking them out! One bass was two forearm lengths long, and fat! Best fishing day of my life.
Never went back to Texas after that, moved to Pennsylvania as a teenager, and fished a little here and there for whatever would bite. Started bow hunting after that, and then fizzled out all together as a working dad with girls and new passions.
Last year my bud got me to start fishing again and had a great time! The only problem is January and I dont want to ice fish! Its COLD! I did alot of fishing last year (for me 2-3 times a week alot!) Most of the time using plastic baits on my old spinning gear (no more Pocket fisherman). Tryed a baitcaster at the end of the season and was a great time! Oh, I backlashed it, frontlashed and birdneasted it in everyway imageinable but was so fun! When I got thumb right and threw it right I was very surprised with the length and accuracy.
I just bought a Citica E with a Prodigy split handle rod and was throwing it in the back yard yesterday. I had a blast practicing and snagging on pieces of ice in the yard. Surprisingly a lot less of a mess on the spool. I just cant wait for the ice to go away and the fishing to start again! Sorry to ramble on, but you decided to read this!