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  1. The manns 1- minus is that little super shallow crankbait that wakes, right? We just iced off up here, so I dont know how good the topwater bite would be right now. But when it gets warmer I will try some topwater baits here. The creature bait along the bottom sounds like a good idea. Some baits have just failed for me here. I have never had a hit on a trap, a jig, or senko, but they hit the spinnerbait. This is a place where you spend a few hours fishing and you come out with one or two very large fish.
  2. I wouldn't even touch the water. Find something more suitable.... It will be more enjoyable.
  3. There is a lake up here which is a tributary of a river system that forms a narrow lake. There has to be over 1000 suface acres, and it is highly polluted. Visible structure includes hundreds of tires, as well as shopping carts, rocks, and some timber/ wooded cover. Most of it is extremly shallow, so shallow, that you cant even run a spinnerbait in some places without breaking the surface. This lake is tidal and the water levels fluctuate. There is shoreline acess in many places. Although it may seem unlikley, there are huge largemouth bass in this place. I caught one in a deeper area that had to have gone 7 +. The problem is, I cant find baits and spots that work regularly. I know the fish are there, but what would you use and what would you look out for?
  4. remove the threaded rod at the top of the reel by turning it counterclockwise. Take off the plate with the brakes on it, and remove the spool. Remove the screws there where the spool axil goes into. Remove the screws on the side by the hande. Remove the screw that hold the grey thingy on the hande with the emblem, and then there is a bolt there that you have to remove by turing clockwise. take the handle of and screw the drag off and you should get to the gear area after removing the drag components. To geteverything re assembled, follow the diagram in the instructions. When you thread the drag back on, you have to turn it counterclockwise on the shaft.
  5. I have read all about selective harvest, It involves controlled elimination of smaller fish or other undesirable fish, to give the large, desirable fish less competition and more forage, so the lake will eventually contain higher numbers of desirable fish, as I have come to understand it. Having established this, we can conclude that removing large bass is both destructive to the lake and to the sport of bass fishing. I think you and I are on the same page.
  6. Factually incorrect. Taking a large female, for example, from a small pond cannot possibly benifit the lake. That is factual. Now give me some evidence to support your oppinion. How would removing a healthy, large bass from a lake benifit the population.? Or do anything non- harmful, for that matter?
  7. The fact is that not releasing any type of fish these days is highly irresponsible. Were are just years away from stripping the oceans dry of fish. I heard on a radio show the other day that in twenty years from now, there might not be any seafood left to consume. This is even more important in freshwater lakes. Everytime you take a bass out of a small lake, you are killing the lake for future fishing. If you want bass fishing to last for future generations, catch and release is a must. Also, there is no need to harest fish yourself. This is a primitave human impulse, to hunt, and you must overcome that, These days, you can go to the grocery store and buy farm raised fish. And there are pleanty of other foodsources out there besides bass. Catch and release of bass is a must IMO, and people should really pay closer attention to what they take out of the ocean as well. juist my 2 cents.
  8. strenght will not be an issue. i will have pleanty of help
  9. I am considering getting the 8 ft. pond prowler, or another plastic pontoon of similar size. My issue is transportation. trailoring is not an option. can this kind of boat be car- topped? I have a large mini van with a built in adjustable roof rack, and the boat should fit on without hanging out at all according to my measurments. What is a safe, stable way to secure the boat to the roof? Can this be done? Is it legal? Thank you for any response.
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