The biggest thing I always tell anyone who wants to pour is this. Make sure you are organized and focused. By organized I mean, make sure you have all of your tools that you need while you're pouring at hand, and don't go searching around for anything. By focused, I mean take your time and since you're new to this, focus on what you are doing every step of the way. Don't rush to get things done. The more proficient you get at pouring, you will then pick up speed. Also make sure you do not get distracted, keep all kids, pets away from your work area. Don't answer phone calls, and tell everyone in your house that you will be pouring and to leave you alone. Too many distractions, and you may have a mishap. Don't leave your area when you have a pot full of hot lead, someone can walk by and touch it and get burned. Be very vigilant about what you are doing and your surroundings. Finally, being a little nervous is good, as this will keep you on your toes and keep you focused. If you have further questions, I have some tutorials I can e-mail you. You can PM me if you like.