When I was learning to fly cast in my back yard I was using a gold bead head nymph with duct tape on the hook to keep it from hanging up in the grass. .I still managed to hook a bat in mid air. They do have some awesome radar!
Two people that I know used a old cheap or free junky pop up camper.All they did is remove the camper part and was left with a decent trailor to modify.
A friend of mine does this and heres a handy trick. He bought pipe insulation and slit it down the full length. He slipped it over the gunwhales of the boat before putting it over the car. Not only does this protect the car, it also allows some give to ratchet down on with straps.
I use white or chartreuse in muddy or stained water. I stick with brown,red orange,green, pumpkins in clear water. As a matter of fact, I keep a large variety of extra skirts in all natural colors for clear water.
It looks to me (looking at the last two pictures) like he started sliding backwards on the ramp,locked the brakes, slid side ways,and the truck entered the water first bypassing the trailer due to the weight of the truck being so much more than the boat trailer.Sound feasable?
I have seen people bank fishing here in georgia so drunk they couldnt stand up but I have never even seen a beer in any boat that I can recall.One day my son and I left the boat ramp and there was a drunk settin on a cooler drinking and casting.We returned 7 or 8 hours later and he was passed out lying in a pile of beer cans and he was sunburnt to a crisp!
I had a feeling that the external was better but I wanted some opinions on it .You know how good technology is nowdays I thought there might not be much difference.Thanks all.
I had alot of trouble getting my depth finder to work at high speeds. I kept lowering it then some one mentioned to angle it forward about 2 to 3 degrees and that did the trick. Hope that might help.
If you will look closely the lowerance and eagle units are the same except for price.The eagles dont pay sponsorships like the lowerance does.The thing I look for in a depth finder is a high pixel count. The eagle fishmark 480 has 480X480 pixels for $199.00. The fishmark 320 has 320X320 pixels. A friend of mine had a garmin 90. It had 128X64 pixels. Structure was almost unreconizable because the screen had such large pixels. I have two 320s on my bass boat and one 320 on my bass hunter. I love them.
My best luck at night lure has ben 1/2 oz. rattletrap. rip,pause,rip,pause,rip, pause. I guess the rip really makes it rattle then they always nail it on the pause.
With all this"dont touch the drag ever again" talk I'd like to remind everyone that when you put your high dollar reels up for extended storage you need to back the drag off completely so as not to create a memory or a permant set or crush to your drag. Just ask any reel rebuilder and they should agree.
Pounds of thrust dont apply much here. The fact that they all use a 12 volt D. C. battery is what warrants the use of a 50 amp fuse or breaker which is more intended to protect the wiring first before it protects the motor.
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