I started fishing for "fish" when I was about 6 years old -- as I got older, learned that bass fishing was the most interesting of challenges because of some of the same comments as noted above. When the BASS burst on the scene, I became more interested because I had an opportunity to be a part of something besides just fishing. Over the years I have continued to love the sport of fishing and have even had some desire to crank up a big ol' tuna or swordfish, but the elusive bass has always been my primary target. Now that I have had an opportunity to join a bass fishing club and fish competitvely and learn at the same time, my love of the sport has grown even more. I still like to do some crappie jerkin once in a while and am never disappointed when I manage to land a big ol' catfish, heck I even enjoy playing with the blue gill. But for me, the challenge of figuring out how to trick those big ol' bucket mouths into biting my plastic worm, buzzbait, crankbait, etc. still give me the greatest satisfaction of all.