Dude, GULP! is my goto bait in lots of forms. But they ain't cheap. I throw the Sinking Minnow as a kind of search bait, 'cause they will draw fish into a strike. Once I am sure that I have located them, I will switch to a Senko or Zoom worm or something that will hold up better. Whatever this formula is that these things are made from is dynomite! They are water soluable, so you have to keep them wet although they will come back after drying out -- in fact, if you leave them in water long enough, they will completely melt away. This is part of the attraction as they are emitting scent and flavor in the water which helps to attract the fish. Probably the biggest "draw back" to GULP! is that it will catch all kinds of fish. A couple of years ago, I threw a GULP! Turtleback Worm (6") into a blue gill bedding area -- it felt like I was being hit with a machine gun. When I reeled it in, there was only about 2.5 -3" of the lure left -- I laughed and made another cast as a joke and pulled in a 3.5 -4#er from the same spot.