There are still fish in Zorinsky, and they are pretty good ones - they are just so pressured it ain't what it used to be. Another good place to fish in the Omaha "area" is Summitt up near Tekamah - you won't land too many lunkers, but you can load the boat with 12"ers. DeSoto Bend is a love it or leave lake - I generally choose to leave it. I was very impressed with Wagon Train up near Lincoln last year, my club is fishing it and Stage Coach both on the same day next month. Prarie Rose out I-80 at Walnut, IA is a good lake and not that much of a drive and Anita has really come back - I pulled a couple of 18.5"ers out of there last fall - haven't been back since, put looking forward to it. BTW, don't give up on Walnut Creek either - if you work it right it can be super - the weather this year has kept everything going goofy, but it should start tuning on real soon.