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Everything posted by txfisherman

  1. I worked as an Observer for the 3 days, Thursday and Friday where there were 111 boats, then narrowed down to the Top 36 for Saturday. Skeet Reese was a no show for this event, but Paul Elias was there. 1st day had low weights, 2nd day bags grew and positions changed, to get the Top 36 Saturday to fish and 20 degrees cooler. Here is a link to the results. Place First Name Last Name Big Fish Day #1 Final Total Weight # Fish Tot. Weight 1 Rick Morris 10.29 5 25.29 50.16 2 Andy Montgomery 5 16.05 49.63 3 Bryan Thrift 5 14.09 47.5 4 Charles Bebber 5 14.14 45.48 5 Mike McClelland 5 13.61 45.36 6 Chris Daves 9.91 5 16.83 42.81 7 Todd Faircloth 5 13.85 42.43 8 Mike Wurm 5 14.68 42.28 9 Tim Horton 5 13.08 42.2 10 Craig Dowling 5 17.42 40.36 11 Keith Caka 5 15.42 39.96 12 Steve Kennedy 5 14.33 39.78 13 Kurt Dove 5 12.63 37.73 14 Takahiro Omori 5 14.44 37.53 15 Todd Auten 5 7.69 36.95 16 Shonn Blassingame 5 11.63 36.73 17 Brian Penso 5 10.15 36.53 18 Keith Combs 5 12.12 36.42 19 Sam Newby 5 10.65 36.2 20 Bobby Lane 5 11.32 36.17 21 Aaron Martens 5 14.24 35.61 22 Greg Hackney 4 8.69 35.53 23 Sean Hoernke 5 12.13 34.26 24 Matt Reed 5 11.74 34 25 Tim Reneau 5 10.39 33.4 26 Tommy Martin 4 6.77 32.98 27 Brian Snowden 5 10.99 32.98 28 Stacey King 5 9.59 32.73 29 Jason Reyes 5 9.36 32.28 30 Stephen Johnston 5 10.43 32.2 31 Glenn Browne 5 9.76 31.14 32 Dave Mansue 3 6.13 29.55 33 Sandy Melvin 3 6.15 28.53 34 Arnie Lane 2 3.00 28.18 35 Mike Hawkes 2 4.22 27.65 36 Shinchi Fukae 0 0.00 21.85 Link to other informationa and pictures can be found at: http://www.fishpaa.com/index.htm
  2. You are correct, got my direction mixed up. Should have just stated where I thought I was going instead of directions. Do have places in the Buck Bay and Mill Creek area you can share? How about some deep water areas that I might go look at and see what I can pull out?
  3. We will be taking off from Humphrey pavillion both mornings in September, I will be staying at the Rayburn Marina & Resort just before the championship, but my partner and I plan on trying to get in sa couple of trips prior to the tournament. I had kind of thought of going southeast on the lake, toward Buck Bay, I did loose a big fish at the McDonalds tournament, but need to have a few holes in my pocket as backups. I did send you the GPS coordinates for the area I was in, did you get those? If not let me know and I can send again. Sorry for the other issue with the guy saying he goig to send you something and then not following through on it.
  4. I would be interested in some GPS coordinates on the lake as I am starting now to practice for our Championship coming in September and would like to have holes in my pocket that I can sue to put some money in the pockets I hope. BTW, what kind of gift did you get from the man from Louisiana that got a good check in McDonalds on Rayburn in April? Look forward to hearing from you. My personal emailaddress is piercedl910@comcast.net
  5. GPS coordinates for the biig fish area
  6. I would be interested in the information of location.
  7. Good Morning, This very nice website was sent to me by a friend. My whole family (12) of us are heading up to Toledo Bend from the 19-25th. We are staying near Big Bass Marina at Nessie's Nest. In the past we've gotten lucky finding some sac-a-lait, white bass and last season some really nice bream. I am looking for any help, advice, tips and general information to catch something on our upcoming trip. We would like to learn some new areas close by and also be able to take our younger children out for some fun. Any information is appreciated, we are hoping to get into some large mouth this time out. Thanks!! The island at the mouth of Big Bass Marina Cove as you enter the main lake to your right, has always been a producing spot for my wife, family and grandkids on nice bream and some pretty nice crappie. Caught on shinners and crickets mostly. Best of luck to you.
  8. What area of T Bend were you guys fishing? I launch out of the Big Bass Marina area (Negreet) and am trying to establish some fishing areas on the lake to be more proficient.
  9. First prize was a Motorhome with a fully rigged 21 foot Triton Bass Boat, 225 HP Mecury motor, Minn kota Trolling Motor, Lowrance Electronics. Lift off Sealyoutdoors.com Larry McNeese of College Station, Texas, held on to his overall lead to win the McDonald's Big Bass Splash. His 10.9-pound bass caught on Saturday survived Sunday's fishing and took first place and the $250,000 winner's package, which includes a new RV and Triton bass boat. Joel Vallali of Pollack, La., secured second place and a package worth $100,000, which includes a new Dodge truck and Triton bass boat. Jimmy Buxton of Livonia, La., took third place and its $75,000 package. Herbert Rusk of Boyce, La., took forth and $50,00 and Calvin Russell of Lake Fork, Texas, landed fifth place worth $25,000.
  10. On Saturday, 523 fish were weighed in for a total weight of 2,283 pounds. The average weight of each fish was 4.37 pounds. Range of fish from 10.90 to 3.78 paying fish, no telling how many were not paying fish and weights below the paying weight.
  11. Matt_Fly, any particular place in Buck Bay you were in, i was in the outer arm of Buck Bay 60 yards from the bank in 6 - 10 foot of water fishing near the Deep Hole marked on the map and lost a 10 + fish, at least that is what those around me said it would gone that saw me on Saturday. About the same time the guy from College Station caught his up north. I also caught a couple of 6 to 7 pounders there Wednesday and several over 4 on Thursday morning. Fishing out of 20 White Skeeter with 150 Yamaha.
  12. I heard Bob Sealy mention Sunday that the gentleman was still in the hospital in but not in life threatening situation, mainly observation. BTW How did you do in the tournament? I went to the area you and i spoke about and found several large bass there on Thursday but i never landed a the right size fish to way during the tournament. I did however by word of several of the witnesses around on Saturday, tell me I lost the tournament winner, a heavy 10+ fish. Did you fish Sunday? Send a PM.
  13. Where might you guys (Wesley & FishForDollars)be on Thursday, I will be there on Wednesday through the tournament at Sam Rayburn Resort where I have a cabin for the week. Would love to meet up with you guys and exchange thoughts. Email at piercedl910@comcast.net Have blackberry so will have email capability.
  14. I would be interested in what you might have on Sam Rayburn, since I fish a tournament trail on both rayburn and toledo. Look forward to your reply.
  15. I am not on the Lake, but my wife's family is all there in Cookson, just off the lake. What area of the lake on you on? There are a couple of her family members that compete on Tenkiller all the time and walk away with money all the time. I can maybe pass on some of the areas. A couple areas I always fished when I was there would be the Cookson Cove, Six Shooter and Chick Creek. Always managed to bring a limit of fish in while I was playing. Plenty of good Bass caught around the boat docks and lots of crappie caught off the bluffs. Good Luck and Welcome to the forum. TXFisherman
  16. 54 years old, Married to my lovely wife of 18 years (who supports my fishing habit), 3 grown children and 2 step-daughters (all having families of their own), 11 grand-children (combined with hers and my children), living on the southeast side of Houston Texas in the town of La Porte. Have lived in the same address for the past 19 years. Have been fishing since I couldn't really tell you when I started, but I have seen pictures of me with a fishing pole in my hands at the lake when I was a little tike. I have fished as a weekend angler for fun, then as a Clubber for several years, now for the last six (6) years have fished on the competitive fishing circuit as semi-professional (Bass-N-Bucks - East Texas Trail). I started fishing the team circuit with a partner where we fished out of his 21' Bullet with a 150 Suzuki, in our first year we didn't make the cut to fish the Championship, the next year I spent most of the year alone, made the cut to fish Championship, then the last 3 years I have a reliable partner and we fish out of his boat for the most part ('05 Skeeter SX190 w/ 150 Yamaha), and have made the cut each year. Each year has been a little better in the ranking, the last 3 years go 97, 93, and 84 out of approximately 300 teams. Gaining experience on Sam Rayburn and Toledo Bend. One day hope to move to my lake house on Toledo Bend (La. side on Negreet Cove), where possibly be able to compete more on a regular basis and maybe even pick up some guide work there. Thanks for having me on the forum and letting me ramble for the time. Shoot me a line if you wish to talk about fishing on the trail and either lake. I can share what I know. See you on the water, and may all your fish be Large.
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