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  1. They have mortages and mouths to feed too. It is just on a larger scale. I have had the chance to get to know a few of the elite series anglers and from what they have said they have to go where the money is and where they feel there "money water" is. I dont care for the flw series as much as the elite series but I don't hold anything against a pro angler for "switch'n gears". Just my 2 cents. 8-) 8-)
  2. went sat (1/10) the water temp is 49.8-52.3. water is very muddy from portman marina north either direction water is stained south. There is very little surface action and most fish did seem to hold in the tops of trees in about 30-40'. spoon or jig. good luck.
  3. BASS for the show and FLW for the dough.... I get tired of watching FLW. if I wanted to watch a profile of a town or city or an angler or infomercial then I would do so but dont include that as nearly half of my fishing show. I feel like im watching a show titled fish 4 nascar or something. BASS makes a better show by far and shows more of what we are here to see...catching fish... ;D ;D
  4. Here is my two cents worth.. I have fished with both Tim Chandler and Alex Davis (spinnerbait kid). I had a very good time with both and both will put you on fish. I was looking for patterns and types of locations for a Tx with both. I found that Alex did a very good job and he answered every question with no bull. He offered tips and went out of his way to ensure that I had a good time. I had one of the best days on the water with him. Our best 5 easy could break 25# but we only caught one fish at each location and shook the rest off. our total for the day was 20# caught. I did have three days of 19-23# on those spots and spots just like where we were. Tim and I had around 15-16# and that is not to bad either. For the money I would go with Alex but you cant go wrong with Tim either. I was on the water the day Troy called it quits-fulltime. I think that he is still taking out clients that had certificates but not many others. I heard that he was not to shabby on the water.
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