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  9. whitwolf


    Happy birthday A-Jay! Edit: for spelling correction. Sorry buddy.
  10. I'm truly sorry Senile. I can't say I know what you're feeling but I do know It's not good. As for the family here we'll be here whenever you need us.
  11. While this would be a tough decision I would have to go to the swamps of eastern NC. This Is home and while there are many destinations that have better bass fishing there's so much wildlife In our swamps I would be a happy man to live right in the middle of it all. I would suspect it might be to buggy, snaky, hot, or too remote for some but for me It's right where I belong and one day will be.
  12. That moment when you come off plane, glide to your spot, and make a splashless pitch into the nastiest cover there is. The tap, and setting the hook to cross their eyes, limbs breaking; and seeing that green fish come out of cover. To me that's magical.
  13. Welcome!
  14. @TxHawgs The Zell Rowland pop r's have either brass or stainless In them. As for finding 76-78 pop r's I might be able to put you In contact with some folks but I would be very surprised if they would let them go as they are serious collectors and or they use them to fish. The thing to keep In mind Is the older pop r's are in high demand and If In fact you do find some In the 76-78 range you will pay. But, the value Is up to the Individual and for me personally If there Is a bait I really want I will pay. Again, when my buddy gets off vacation I should have more to share. Edit: I just a minute ago found out that Pradco has brought back the production of pop r's from China and they are being molded In Ft. Smith Arkansas and painted In Guatemala.
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  19. @TxHawgs Here's just a small amount of Information. I'm in contact with a true P70 aficionado and he Is going to send me some Information. Here's what I know: 1. The one knocker(lead ball) Pop R's were made from '76-'78 and a special run In 1984. The P70 and P65 were the only pop r's with the lead. 2. There are three sizes of the pop r: P70 is 3 1/8 the P65 is 3" and the P60 Is 2 1/2. The P 60's had no ball or brass or stainless steel balls. They(Rebel) eventually went to stainless steel In all pop r's. I have no Idea why the decision was made to abandon the lead ball but hopefully my contact can provide that Information. 3. Eventually Rebel(Pradco) started having their baits sent to El Salvador. The one Interesting thing about that. Rebel(Pradco) didn't have the pop r's completely made down there, they sent the blanks to be painted. My personal opinion Is they did a great job with the paint. There are some really special colors from there. As for Pradco selling out the pop r. That simply Is NOT true. The Pop R Is an original Pradco design. I will add to this when I know more.
  20. Welcome!
  21. TX, I will put together a response tomorrow evening. I have gathered what I could and know Is correct and talked to a pop r guy I know that shared some stuff also. @IndianaFinesse I'm 99.9% sure the pop r was never made of wood. I have a call into a buddy and waiting for him to confirm.
  22. Welcome!
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