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Everything posted by whitwolf

  1. Prayers for the family! As @Dwight Hottle said, be her advocate and keep your faith strong!
  2. The swamps of Eastern North Carolina. I grew up fishing, frog gigging, and exploring as far back as we could go. Before the stroke me and my brother still did. It's a lot of work but the Bass fishing is incredible. I only go twice a year now as my brother has to do the lions share of the work. The Bass fishing is still great(most days) and we never see another soul. I live 5 hours away and the lakes I fish now are anything but peaceful.( during the day) I go at night because there's relatively no boat traffic. I miss the swamp. The Black water.... The first picture is Lake James where I live now. The second is the clearing heading into the swamp.
  3. Welcome!
  4. whitwolf

    New here

  5. Welcome!
  6. Welcome!
  7. Interesting topic, like @A-Jay and @Mike L, and their spouses, Tresa and I communicate openly and honestly. There are very few times we inquire about a purchase. There's a trust level that we know won't be compromised. We both grew up poor but had what we needed. We both put off upper end purchases to make sure our respective children had everything they needed to be successful. At the time of our marriage (second for both) we made very consistent decisions with regards to our blended family. Kids first. Fast forward to now. We buy as we like and discuss anything over $500.00. Our accounts are combined and credit cards are paid off monthly. We know what's spent. She loves jewelry and I love fishing. We actually spend more on grandchildren than we probably should but to me it's all good. All the children know that we are going to enjoy our life now that they are grown and on their own.
  8. Welcome!
  9. Welcome!
  10. Welcome!
  11. Welcome!
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Welcome!
  14. I like these from Deep Creek Lures.
  15. Welcome!
  16. Nope. I'm an unapologetic tackle junky. I buy one new Rod and Reel a year. The oldest set gets donated to one of the local high school fishing teams. Tackle for all five teams too. I may not need it but I want it.
  17. This!
  18. Reaction Innovatios: Sweet Beaver, Smallie Beaver, and my favorite, Spicy Beaver. Deep Creek Lures: Super Razor Beetle and Jr. Super Razor Beetle. Color is a factor only between my ears.
  19. Welcome!
  20. Wife: ned rig and smallie beaver. Me: mostly the same baits I would fish with for largemouth. The last night trip (pictured) I caught 5 total all on an 8" plastic eel, Black/Pearl.
  21. A short synopsis before the details. 1. Stroke 2. Retirement 3. Move to the swamp 4. Family 5. I can't catch smallmouth I had my life planned out. It took a turn. My retirement years were supposed to be spent in the swamps of North Carolina. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with dementia and I will not leave the Western part of the state until.... I don't know at this point. Family is most important. There's a lake up this way(western part of North Carolina)with Smallmouth. I have tried to catch said Brown fish with limited success. I have read many things here, talked to a good number of people, and fished where they are; I caught a fine mess of largemouth everytime. lol This year I simply decided to fish. I quit caring about species. Late February through mid March I caught a few largemouth and no smallmouth. I couldn't go again until mid April. It was crazy windy but my wife and I had rented a lake front cabin so out we go. I threw a crankbait a good chunk of the 4 hours we were out. I fished in protected pockets the best I could. The wind blew my tin rig around a bit and I fished what I could with a crankbait. We hit a small bite window and caught three smallmouth in an hour. They were not lake Menderchunk type behemoths but I was durn happy. The next morning my goal was to get my wife on some fish. We spent a few hours on the main channel with nothing. I backed off a bit and had her throwing(as best as she could) at the end of laydowns in towards the channel. One nice smallmouth, one nice largemouth. She's hooked so to speak. We now go at night. We just fish. The ratio has been 10-1 smallmouth. No special baits or techniques. Maybe a bit deeper(not much though) and fish a little slower. I thought the joy would be finally catching some Brown fish. It is, a little. But listening to Tresa hollar"got one" or seeing her smile.... A funny thing happened...
  22. I want to piggy back on those that have brought up knowing your water. Do NOT go at night unless you are very familiar with the body of water you are fishing. Night time navigation is a different animal. Take your time. You may know the water well but there's always someone that doesn't. I can not count the times I've idled out of a creek and a boat has come out of know where. They were Not running in the middle of the channel. Baits, times, and everything else has been fully covered in this thread. BUT; make durn sure the person you're taking fully understands what night fishing is all about. A skilled angler is going to be a much better partner than a beginner. One last thing. Here in the South it's still hot at night and usually the humidity drops very little. I stay just as hydrated at night.
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