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Everything posted by whitwolf

  1. Welcome.......................
  2. Welcome..........................
  3. Welcome.......................
  4. Welcome....................
  5. Welcome................
  6. Welcome........................
  7. Welcome........................
  8. Welcome......
  9. I assume you're fishing Hickory?
  10. Starting around the middle of May(give or take a week or two either way) we exclusively night fish. In the middle of the Summer It's more comfortable and the bass are more active. You'll also not have to deal with the pleasure boat traffic. The one piece of advice that you really need to heed Is you need to know the lake backwards and forwards before you attempt to night fish. The lack of light tends to disorient folks.
  11. This Is just an opinion and I'm truly not trying to be a smart alek but simply go fishing. If possible cover as much water as you can , have some fun, and fish. If the fish are In pre-spawn which I know they are you'll catch some fish. As for what to throw, throw what you have confidence In and cast, and cast, and cast.
  12. Dustin Wilkes Gerald Swindle Edwin Evers
  13. http://www.fishingnotes.com/lakeinfo.php?id=19838 http://www.carolinamarina.com/ I didn't take a good look at these links but I hope they might be helpful.
  14. As others have mentioned there Is a ton of Information In the articles. The one thing I would suggest Is to, above all, enjoy the time on the water with your family. All the techniques you master will never be as Important as the memories you have of the times on the water with your wife and child. As for the fishing, pick a technique and master it. Then go to the next technique, etc. Lastly, whatever you skill set there are an abundance of folks here that will help with any question you ask. :-) Good luck this weekend!
  15. Welcome.......................
  16. Welcome.................
  17. Welcome....................
  18. Welcome...................
  19. Welcome from the Hickory area........
  20. Welcome back......................
  21. Welcome.....................
  22. Welcome.......................
  23. Welcome.....In my not so humble opinion this is the best site around with many, many avenues to learn. On numerous occasions I have asked other members questions about tatics and to a person received answers to what was asked and a lot of times more Information than asked for. Lastly, take what you want from here, leave what you can, and while some might not agree there honestly Is no such thing as a dumb question.
  24. While Lake Hickory Is nowhere close for big fish as Falls, Harris, or any of the lakes down that way It still holds its own with regards to durn good fishing and big bass. I have family down near the coast and I fish three private ponds in Pender county. Big bass and numbers are the rule and can't wait to get down that way over Easter weekend.
  25. Zoom u-tail Zoom dead ringer series. I fish the 4" during the day either texas rigged or on a shakeyhead and the 8" at night. R.I. Beavers Zoom finesse worms.
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