My fiance said one time to me that "you have enough gear to last a lifetime." I simply and politely said "that may be true but.........."
The discussion was somewhat short, congenial, and saved for another time. It was a couple of weeks later and we went fishing. I made sure she had everything she needed, bug spray, a book, her own equipment,(which she's prideful that she has "her" equipment) plenty of food and drink, and an evening filled with conversation.
The point being Is I was more than happy to Include her In this trip and hopefully many more to come. I know she was shocked(and happy) that we talked as much as we did, laughed as much as we did, and as Important she saw that for me It was more than just a hobby; from that point forward she has never questioned anything I have bought. She knows I will not overspend and I have never complained about any purchase she has made.
In the end this type of Interaction and open communication Is the norm and that will not change. I personally think Inclusion to varying degrees Is the benchmark to less hassle, happiness, and as much as anything a clear understanding of why we all do what we do.