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Everything posted by whitwolf

  1. I have had Dish for going on 4 years now and haven't had any real problems. I know when I move there will supposedly be an upgrade to the Hopper but we shall see. I will never go back to cable(Charter Communications) as I had numerous problems and their customer service was the absolute worst. The main thing with all three(cable, Dish, and Direct) Is to call them from time to time and ask about any promotions. My bill for Dish Is around $80.00 and about every three months I call and If nothing else talk to them about upgrades and or promotions. Lastly, the cable folks never seemed to care whether I was a customer or not and my experience with Dish Is 180 degrees In the opposite direction. The competition Is at an all-time high between service providers and with a little work and diligence you can almost get anything you want at a reduced price. The key Is persistence.
  2. This type of post Is the reason Bassresource Is the finest fishing board In the land. This Is one of the biggest reasons I come here! Thanks WRB!
  3. My fiance said one time to me that "you have enough gear to last a lifetime." I simply and politely said "that may be true but.........." The discussion was somewhat short, congenial, and saved for another time. It was a couple of weeks later and we went fishing. I made sure she had everything she needed, bug spray, a book, her own equipment,(which she's prideful that she has "her" equipment) plenty of food and drink, and an evening filled with conversation. The point being Is I was more than happy to Include her In this trip and hopefully many more to come. I know she was shocked(and happy) that we talked as much as we did, laughed as much as we did, and as Important she saw that for me It was more than just a hobby; from that point forward she has never questioned anything I have bought. She knows I will not overspend and I have never complained about any purchase she has made. In the end this type of Interaction and open communication Is the norm and that will not change. I personally think Inclusion to varying degrees Is the benchmark to less hassle, happiness, and as much as anything a clear understanding of why we all do what we do.
  4. Welcome..................
  5. Welcome...............
  6. Welcome...............
  7. Welcome...........
  8. Welcome............
  9. Welcome..............
  10. Welcome.............
  11. Welcome................
  12. I would do this for sure. I drove straight through from NC to Birmingham AL(6 hours) on the Saturday of the classic and didn't hit the hotel until well after 9:00 pm but It was worth every moment.
  13. Glenn Is serious about this. Me and a buddy were at the Birmingham classic a couple of years ago and I saw both Glenn and Keri, walked up to them and we all had a nice conversation. The both of them made the classic experience that much more memorable. To say those folks were nice would be a huge understatement!
  14. I have been to several classics and all I can so is go! The tackle expo Is a tackle junkies dream, There's more stuff packed into a small(ish) area then you can Imagine. I would assume there are other bassresource folks from near the area going and that's always a great time to meet them. The weigh-In's are pretty cool and If so Inclined going to watch a launch can be fun. Lastly, If you're on this site you're an avid fisherman and simply put the only regret you might have Is not going. Edit: I forgot to add pick-up a bag on the way In as there are several freebies handed out by many of the vendors.
  15. I looked back ten pages and didn't see any Information, have any of you folks used this line and do you have a recommendation either way? Also If you care to share your applications that would be great.
  16. http://www.centurylink.net/news/read.php?rip_id=%3CDA3SMV4G0%40news.ap.org%3E&ps=1011 Are any of you South Florida folks keeping up with this and if so what have you heard?
  17. +1 I have the bibs and jacket and for the warmer months It's simply the best I have found. The only Issue I have with Frogg Toggs Is you have to be extremely careful getting in and out of the bibs.
  18. Yep.....I have been to the Charlotte location many, many times and having one down east will make going to Wolfpack games that much nicer. Edit: Welcome to the site William.
  19. 1. Marty Burns flat sided bait. 2. Norman deep little N. 3. Bomber fat free shad.
  20. Welcome................
  21. The funniest part about the snow for me Is going to the grocery store the day before to see the folks that have two carts full of stuff like they will be stranded at home for 6 months and the other I will stay silent as there are a number of folks on here that would take offense.
  22. Welcome..........
  23. Welcome............
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