I know this topic gets posted from time to time but there are a few folks that used to be quite active and you see little of them or not at all.
1. Catt....... I know he's posts occasionally.
2. Frog Toggs....An eastern NC guy who had a great sense of humor.
3.Burley..... funny guy.
4. go tareheelz 14..... I think that was his name, the only Issue I was aware of was he was a tarheel fan. :0
Feel free to add others.
This Is , at least from my perspective, the site with the most Information on bass fishing on the Internet.
It's a great community where many members freely share Information and genuinely want to help others be better fisherman.
As for the folks that deserve a thank you, thanks to all 40,000 of you!
Congrats. on the new addition to the gotakeanap family!
I urge you to take unlimited time with all your kiddo's as the time flies and before you know it they will be grown. In August I will officially be an emptynester and It really sucks.
Overall I've been good and with the delayed Spring finally here It's time to fish more than once a week.
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