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Everything posted by whitwolf

  1. Welcome..........
  2. Welcome.............
  3. Welcome............
  4. Welcome..............
  5. Welcome..........
  6. Glenn on any Lake. Hank Cherry, Dustin Wilks, and Tracy Adams on Falls Lake. Lastly, A dream trip to Lake O and fish with all the FL guys here on BR.
  7. Welcome................
  8. Welcome...............
  9. I know this topic gets posted from time to time but there are a few folks that used to be quite active and you see little of them or not at all. 1. Catt....... I know he's posts occasionally. 2. Frog Toggs....An eastern NC guy who had a great sense of humor. 3.Burley..... funny guy. 4. go tareheelz 14..... I think that was his name, the only Issue I was aware of was he was a tarheel fan. :0 Feel free to add others.
  10. Welcome................
  11. Welcome...............
  12. I can cast far enough to catch aplenty of fish.
  13. This Is , at least from my perspective, the site with the most Information on bass fishing on the Internet. It's a great community where many members freely share Information and genuinely want to help others be better fisherman. As for the folks that deserve a thank you, thanks to all 40,000 of you!
  14. Congrats. on the new addition to the gotakeanap family! I urge you to take unlimited time with all your kiddo's as the time flies and before you know it they will be grown. In August I will officially be an emptynester and It really sucks. Overall I've been good and with the delayed Spring finally here It's time to fish more than once a week.
  15. My home lake Is not on that list and never will be. lol As an aside, good to see you around gotakeanap...Where ya been?
  16. Welcome..............
  17. Welcome.............
  18. Welcome...........
  19. .. http://www.jjsmagic.com/
  20. Welcome.............
  21. Welcome.............
  22. Welcome from the Hickory area!
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