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Everything posted by whitwolf

  1. Welcome!
  2. Great Information smalljaw, thanks! This is the type of thread that makes this the best bass site on the 'net!
  3. Great topic slo, give me a few and I'll post some pics. of some "stuff" that I have kept through the years. I bet there are others that have some really neat stuff they bought years and years ago!
  4. There's always going to be "that guy" If you allow that to happen. I fished with a guy for years that turned Into a butthole real quick. He was a friend of sorts and I felt bad about saying anything. In the end though, enough was enough and I simply cut off those trips. I don't regret It at all. If you don't enjoy the trip when you're out, what's the point. I fish by myself quite a bit now and that suits me. There's no griping, complaining, or at the end of the day no hard feelings. The folks I do take out now are fun to be around, never act like they should be the only folks that catch fish, and are fun to fish with. It doesn't happen often(fishing with others) but when It does I make durn sure It's going to be a good day, whether we catch fish or not.
  5. Welcome!
  6. Usually around the end of April in the foothills of NC. Like Catt mentioned above, fish the same places and same baits as you do during the day. The only different bait I use at night and not during the day Is a black single blade Colorado spinnerbait.
  7. Welcome!
  8. Welcome!
  9. Welcome!
  10. Welcome!
  11. This Is how I store my baits. I'll load a few more picture below this post. If you have any questions, ask away. Evidently I've exceeded my picture limit In this thread....lol
  12. There's a lot of wisdom in the above post!
  13. Welcome!
  14. Welcome!
  15. Big M flat side. It's a fish catcher!
  16. Welcome!
  17. Well done!
  18. Nice work Jeff!
  19. As some on here know each year since the early 80's I have made the trek home to the coast of NC to fish with my brother. Each year has been special and the older I get the better they get. This year was great family time and the fishing wasn't bad. We boated 31 over two days ranging from a few small buck bass to bass up to 2 1/2. It honestly wasn't stellar for size as I lost only one that I thought might be close to five (5) and had no other bites from anything close to that. Here's the catch though; the conditions changed a lot over the two days and where we usually catch the majority of our fish there were none. The lions share of the fish came from a small stretch maybe 30 yards long. The weather man missed badly on both days but so be it. In that situation you put your head down and fish. The first day our fish(14) came on Zoom magnum finesse worms in black, Berkley power worm in black,and a couple on a Zoom lizard in Pumpkinseed. The wind was bad and boat control was tough and we felt pretty good about boating 14 in those conditions. The second day was a little better in that the wind didn't play havoc with us until later In the morning. We boated 17 in just 4 hours with mine coming on a R.I. Sweet Beaver (black/red fleck) and a 4" GYBC 4" Senko(red shad). My brother boated all his fish on a Zoom Cherry seed lizard. It was supposed to be In the 70's that morning; It was 62 when we got out of the truck and a little over 4 hours later we loaded up and we had high winds and 58. lol It was weird weather as usually this time of year It's very nice temp. wise but oh well. Each year this trip gets more special as my brother, or as I call him, the old hippie, and myself have a blast fishing, talking, and generally cherish the family time. After each day I always give my mama, who's In a rest home as of late last year, a report on the fishing. She knows little about fishing but enjoys the stories none-the-less. Before I get into the details in-depth she always, and without fail, asks If we got along and minded our manners. I answer and she listens, smiles, and after I finish asks a few questions. She no longer has the gift of sight, nor Is her health good but she seems to perk up a little simply talking about family things. I look forward to this Easter trip each year and truly hope there will be many, many more. Here's a few pictures from the trip. There's nothing spectacular size wise but I wouldn't trade any of these fish as the memories of this weekend will always be good.
  20. While I couldn't make a guess and be exact I feel comfortable in saying 10 years. It's probably more but can you ever have enough gear?
  21. Welcome!
  22. Welcome!
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