I can fish alone or with others. The older I get the conversation and merely being on thew water Is a great thing. That being said I'll share this; I fished with a friend on mine for years and at the start It was a blast. As the years passed it became Increasingly difficult to fish with him. 3-4 years ago I finally had enough and now fish alone the biggest majority of the time. I have learned to appreciate the solace, take In the beauty of being on the water, me, my thoughts, a few fish, and the keen awareness that I'm In a position to do what I love. The one person that's always welcome and encouraged to come fish Is my wife. She doesn't care what we're catching as long as she's catching fish. This woman agreed to fish on our honeymoon a couple of years ago! It was my single best day on the water as she caught her personal best largemouth three different times that day, how cool Is that?!
The point of the above story Is this; Have FUN! What's the point If you're not enjoying the time on the water? If that means you fish alone do that, If It means taking someone, do that. If you find a balance or preference, you more than likely will have a great trip, year, and life!