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Larry Hauser

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  1. Fishing at the marsh has been HOT since the weather is getting a little more stable. Somedays are better than others but if you do your homework you can catch fish and big fish. The fish are fat and healthy. The water is staying clean this year even after 30 mph winds. The water clarity on the south end of the farm is around 4 feet. The lake has'nt been this clean in years. Fish are being caught on 10 inch worms,senko's and trick worms. Here are some pics from the last month. You don't want to miss this boat.
  2. Here are some fatty's from stickmarsh/farm13 in the last month.You don't want to miss this boat.
  3. Hey thanks man. I fish out there more than anybody so I know what the fish are doing in this unusual weather we are having here in Florida.
  4. Thanks man it was cold but still fun.
  5. January 2, I decided I would brave the cold and fish the marsh on Saturday. The water temp was 60 degrees and the wind was blowing pretty good. I went into the nw corner of the Stickmarshand caught 8 fish out of 12 bites. The biggest were 4lbs, and two between 3 1/2 and 4 lbs. I had to fish slower than slow to get bit. Jan 3rd, Fished with Van Halen Sunday and man is it cold for Florida. The air temp was in the 30's and the water temp was 54 degrees. We fished the nw corner of the marsh with rattle traps and got a few fish to cooperate. By days end we ended up with 8 solid fish. Vans biggest were 8lbs 1oz and 3lbs and my biggest were 9lbs 5oz, 5 1/2 lbs and 4lbs even. A good start for 2010 especially in a cold front like this one. Larry Hauser.
  6. Hello fellow bassers. Recently there have been reports about how the Stickmarsh is dead. Well I am here to tell you that is not the case at all. I fish the marsh 4 to 5 days a week if not more. The fishing on the marsh has changed since the grass is gone and it is not as easy as it was when the grass was there. The fish are alot more spread out chasing bait so they are always on the move until spawning time when they move up in the wood. Finding the fish can be a tough task sometimes but they are still out there. 2009 has been a great year for both my clients and myself for catching big fish. I caught four fish, this year alone, between 10 and 11.6 lbs and two of those were a week apart and all were caught on artificials. The water does get dirty at times but the fish still have to eat. The Stickmarsh and Farm 13 can still produce a fish 10lbs or better on any cast. Below are just some of the pictures as of late. Good luck,Good fishing and Happy New Year. Larry Hauser.
  7. I guide out there so I'm on the water all the time. Thanks Larry Hauser
  8. Oct 3rd & 4th I had Van Halen on the boat for 2 full days. The bite was tough to say the least. Hard work and persistence will eventually pay off. We only had around 20 fish fish each day but did bring a few pigs in the boat. Van had a 7lb 4oz on Saturday and an 8lb 5oz, and 6lbr on Sunday. I had a 5lb 8oz on Saturday and a 8lb 7oz on Sunday. Oct 8th, I fished alone today to stay with the fish and find some more that were willing to bite and bite they did. Total fish for the day was 34 with a 7lb,6lb 5oz and 6lb 9oz being the biggest. I also had 11 fish between 4 and 5lbs.
  9. Sept 26th, Saturday I started at 9:00 a.m. and within the first half hour nailed a 5lb 8oz fatty. Around noon found some active fish and I called Steve P. to come over and join in on the fun. The fish were feeding up on shad big time. I ended up catching 15 fish in an hour and a half with the biggest coming in at 6lbs. Total for the day was 29 fish. The fish are still in the ditches. The water is the cleanest I've seen it in a long time. You can actually see your bait 2 ft below the surface. The water temp is staying in the mid 80's. Sept 27th, Sunday I was fishing with a friend. We started out in the ditches at 7:00 a.m.. The morning bite was super slow so I changed baits. The fourth cast I brought a 3.8lbr in the boat. The wind started early and was really blowing out of the sw. We were covering some water and around 10:30 I felt some tension on the line so I set the hook and the fight was on. I landed the hog and she weighed in at 9lbs even. The next fish came about an hour later and weighed 7lbs even. The next 3 hours produced a 5lb 8oz, 5lb 12oz and another 5lb 8oz fish. The total for the day was only 10 fish but the weight of the best 5 fish was 32lbs 12oz. All in all not bad in a 20 to 25mph wind and 2 to 3 foot rollers. The fish are still hitting crankbaits and some senkos. The water temp will slowly start falling here soon and the fish will start moving out of the ditches and in the wood. Larry Hauser.
  10. Sept 13th, Fished on the farm today til the rain came in and had to abort mission. Caught a total of 16 fish. The biggest was only 4 lbs but still good chunkers and hard fighters. The big fish did not want to cooperate today. Still no dinks just good solid fish. Sept 17th, Today I fished with Steve P. out in farm 13. We didn't get started til around 9:30 a.m. and it was real slow at first. We decided to hit another ditch and the fish were a little more active on this one. The crankbait once again seemed to be what the fish wanted. We switched ditches again and after about 10 minutes Steve Ps rod was bent over like he was hung. I looked to my left and out jumps a pig. A nice 6lber was in the boat. Five minutes went by and Steve said get the motor up. Again another pig, wow pigs do fly, skies out of the water and this time I grabbed the net. I put the net down by the water and she actually jumped right into the net. Steve P. was pumped with 2 hogs back to back. I finally decided to join in with a fat 5lber. All in all a good day. I brought 19 fish to the boat and Steve P. brought in 11 but 2 of those were hogs. Sept 19th, I showed up at the ramp around 8:00 a.m. and shot out to the farm. The skies were looking like rain already and a good stiff breeze was blowing. I started in a ditch I haven't fished in a while. I started with the crankbait and it didn't take very long before the first fish was in the boat and it was a good one weighing in at 7lbs 8oz. I stayed on that ditch for a while and it payed off again. I was catching quality fish when the rain came in. I put on the rain gear and fished through it and brought another hog in weighing 7lbs 4oz but couldn't get the picture because it was pouring. The time was 1:00 p.m. and the wind started crankin so I had to go fish one of the ditches on the east side of the farm. I ended the day with a total of 14 fish. Sept 20th Started the day at sun up and it didn't take long to get hot. The bite was real slow. The rain came in early too so it was back to putting on the rainsuit. The first bite didn't happen til 12:30 but it was a sweet 7lb 5oz and again couldn't get the picture because of the torrential down pour I decided to fish through. The rain was on and off the rest of the day but still managed to bring 15 fish to the boat.
  11. Hey TYTY, How are you? The Florida bass spawn is generally from January to April. Some lakes are different from others like Garcia resevoir south of Fellsmere FL. you'll start seeing beds as early as late November and the fish will spawn til April and sometimes into early May. The Stickmarsh on the other hand they'll start in late January and go til mid May. The pre spawn is usually November or December depending on the lake you are fishing. The post spawn is May and into June. Summer fishing is from end of June to September. Once the water temp drops about 10 to 15 degrees the fish will be in their fall pattern chasing shad and schooling up. I hope this answers your questions. Good luck and tight lines. Larry Hauser
  12. Thanks guys the Stickmarsh is an awesome fishery and I'm grateful I have it close to home.
  13. Sept 12th, Arrived at the marsh today at 8:00 a.m. with a nice breeze out of the sw. The first 15 minutes hooked up on a even 7lbr. The crankbait seemed to be the ticket once again and a 8lb 2oz chunk confirmed it. I drifted down the ditch and caught a few more good ones before the bite slowed a little bit. The wind let up some between noon and 1:00 p.m. and the shad were getting pretty active on the surface. I went over to another ditch to have a 6lb 1oz slam the cranker. The fish inhaled the thing as she was almost gut hooked. The fish are strong and healthy on the marsh and put up some awesome fights. I had one today that I couldn't get turned as she stripped line off like it was nothing before snapping brand new 20lb test flouro. She actually turned the boat a little bit. The total for today was 14 fish and the smallest one was 3lbs 4oz. The water clarity is real good right now. The surface temp started at 84 degrees and only went up to 87 degrees with the overcast skies all day. Tight lines, Larry Hauser.
  14. Sept 10th, Started this morning around 7:30 and around 8:30 landed a 5lb 3oz football. The fish are still moving around in the ditches. Today it was back to the crankbait and finally a senko. I caught a few more nice chunkers and at 10:15 brought a hog in that went 8lbs 4oz but I didn't get her picture thanks to the nice down pour we had. I didn't want my new digital camera getting soaked. After the rain the wind started cranking and man it got rough out there. The trolling motor was barely staying in the water and waves were crashing over and soaking the deck. The wind had me fishin the east side of the farm where the trolling motor would at least stay in the water. I still managed to get some good fish though. Total fish was 14. The heavy weights came in at 8lbs 4oz,5.3,5.1,5.10,and a 6lbr on the nose.Water temp was 86 degrees and water clarity ranged from 1 to 2 foot depending where you were at.The wind was out of the northeast all day.The rain was on and off all day also.
  15. September 6th, Today I had my buddy Kenny with me to hopefully tear up some fish. Right off the bat I get one about a 1 1/2 lbs. The bite was really slow for the next hour for us. Finally I said lets go in the wood where I've been getting some good fish. Ten minutes later I landed a nice 4 lbr. I thought they may be turning on but not the case. The time was 1:00 p.m. and Kenny had to leave. I felt bad he only had 2 bites and landed o fish. Heck I only boated 2 fish. I went back out and talked to Steve P. and he had 4 fish. We fished down the ditch a ways and Steve got into a school of good fish and was pulling them in like crazy. I'm sitting there thinking to myself what the heck am I doing wrong. I then noticed the murky water on the east side of the lake was moving to the west where it was clean. I was throwing a redshad worm and when I put in the water you couldn't see it for nothing so I pulled out the old spike it and made the worm a little darker. The second cast with that same worm now resulted in catching 15 more fish in 2 hours. I had 4 fish between 4 and 5lbs a 5lb 8oz, 5lb 12oz and an 8lb 2oz. The rest were all good 2 to 3lb chunks. The color of that worm made all the difference. Gotta love the Stickmarsh. Larry Hauser.
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