Sept 13th,
Fished on the farm today til the rain came in and had to abort mission. Caught a total of 16 fish. The biggest was only 4 lbs but still good chunkers and hard fighters. The big fish did not want to cooperate today. Still no dinks just good solid fish.
Sept 17th,
Today I fished with Steve P. out in farm 13. We didn't get started til around 9:30 a.m. and it was real slow at first. We decided to hit another ditch and the fish were a little more active on this one. The crankbait once again seemed to be what the fish wanted. We switched ditches again and after about 10 minutes Steve Ps rod was bent over like he was hung. I looked to my left and out jumps a pig. A nice 6lber was in the boat. Five minutes went by and Steve said get the motor up. Again another pig, wow pigs do fly, skies out of the water and this time I grabbed the net. I put the net down by the water and she actually jumped right into the net. Steve P. was pumped with 2 hogs back to back. I finally decided to join in with a fat 5lber. All in all a good day. I brought 19 fish to the boat and Steve P. brought in 11 but 2 of those were hogs.
Sept 19th,
I showed up at the ramp around 8:00 a.m. and shot out to the farm. The skies were looking like rain already and a good stiff breeze was blowing. I started in a ditch I haven't fished in a while. I started with the crankbait and it didn't take very long before the first fish was in the boat and it was a good one weighing in at 7lbs 8oz. I stayed on that ditch for a while and it payed off again. I was catching quality fish when the rain came in. I put on the rain gear and fished through it and brought another hog in weighing 7lbs 4oz but couldn't get the picture because it was pouring. The time was 1:00 p.m. and the wind started crankin so I had to go fish one of the ditches on the east side of the farm. I ended the day with a total of 14 fish.
Sept 20th
Started the day at sun up and it didn't take long to get hot. The bite was real slow. The rain came in early too so it was back to putting on the rainsuit. The first bite didn't happen til 12:30 but it was a sweet 7lb 5oz and again couldn't get the picture because of the torrential down pour I decided to fish through. The rain was on and off the rest of the day but still managed to bring 15 fish to the boat.