A good partner is hard to come by. As a boat owner, I feel that when in a tournament, I have to drive, make most of the plans to fish certain places, and position the boat. My partner takes care of "all" the duties of weights and culling without me having to stop what I'm doing. We've been fishing together for 8 years and know what we "both" have to do during a tournament. If the spots aren't producing, we "both" agree to move. If you are fishing with a partner, just get to "know" each other and "know" how each other fishes. That way, if you like to fish shallow like I do, and he likes to fish deep, you guys can talk and find what you both think the fish are doing at that moment and adjust "TOGETHER", that is what makes a great partner... Old or new spots don't decide if your going to win, it's team work....