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Everything posted by Scorcher214

  1. I'm currently 15,(turning 16 in February), and the only reason that I could see my self wanting sponsors if I wanted to get my name out there asap, if I was looking into fishing in some of the big name tournaments. But inorder to get your name out there, youd probly have to be a great fisherman, im good, but im not great, and for now, its for fun. Fish now, think later.
  2. what kind of wood would you suggest using?
  3. Ive been lurking in the tackle-making section and am really surprised at some of the baits on here they look fantastic! It looks like a fun hobby to pick up and am wondering what are some basic materials for building swim baits. Please and Thankyou!
  4. Those are some top notch lookin lures right there. What a great gift!
  5. I use them on spinners and jigs, i think it works great, dont use a whole night crawler though use like a half or a quarter of one because they are huge, the only bad thing is they come off a lot and if there are blue gills or perch, be ready for constatnt re-baiting.
  6. Michigans LMB record was caught in 1934and in 1959(both the same weight), so i would say 53 years old Our SMB record was caught in 1906, thats 103 years old!
  7. Berkly Power Worm Color: Motoroil Hook: 4/0 Gamakatsu Offset Worm Hook Weight: 1/16oz Bullet Weight Un-Pegged
  8. I'm currently using a spinning rod and reel and i use my right hand for rod and left for retrieving. I wanna buy a Daiwa Procaster but i think it only comes in right hand retrieve. I it weird that I don't use my dominant hand for retrieve?
  9. I was wondering what kind of rod would be good paired with the New Bass Pro Shops Bionic Plus Baitcast Reel, I would like to have a rod that is an all around rod. Any ideas?
  10. Scorcher214


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