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Everything posted by Scorcher214

  1. Im a Lions fan. That's about it.
  2. X2 on the gander mountain GSX pliers, best pair I'veever owned.
  3. $6 for a spinnerbait doesn't seem that bad to me. Komanchi spinnerbaits are like $12 a piece lol. Strike king is a solid company to go with though. Never had a problem with em except having to re tune them after a pike or feisty bass.
  4. I used to be about 270lbs fishing from a 10'6 future beach trophy 126. I floated lol. I sold it this summer and plan on getting this. Thing is a TANK http://www.basspro.com/Ascend-FS128T-SitOnTop-Angler-Kayak-Desert-Storm/product/12102505321115/
  5. Only problem I've had with the markers is the caps coming off in my pockets when shore fishing, ruins a pair of pants pretty good when there is a big smelly yellow stain lol I've tried spike it and JJs and would ave to say JJs is superior. Anybody got that video comparing the two?
  6. Rig mine on a screwlock hook most of the time. Also, Try out a sworming hornet.It's a jig head with a willow blade on the bottom. Absolutely killer when paired up with a LFT magic shad. Never tried them on a money minnow but I'm sure it wouldn't e a bad setup.
  7. Its hard to tell you what to buy just by being asked "what do I buy?" If you're chasing shad, spinnerbaits and cranks would be my go to just to catch a bunch. Since the winner of the tournament is biggest fish, I would definitely get a decent fish off of a spinnerbait then switch to swimbaits to try an get a big un. What lake is it just out of curiosity?
  8. My dream is to become wealthy trough trading stocks and foreign currencies. Have an Aventador by thirty. And be able to fish when I choose. Gotta have goals.
  9. I have the same problem with plastics (specifically a pearl weightless super fluke) and spinnerbaits. When i switch to crank or jig i have no idea whats going on. I need to get on my jig game though, I got a ton and don't even use them. I think everybody falls into their comfort zones and branching out and learning new techniques is part of becoming a better fisherman.
  10. http://sellout.woot.com/plus/ardent-baitcast-reels One of the few times they have had fishing deals, but 40 bucks for a 170 dollar reel? If i didnt have to buy textbooks for school, one of these would be on their way to my doorstep. Bait monkey says do it. Also, anybody else use woot? I love it!
  11. I'm in Chesterfield. DOnt own a boat though so most of my fishing is restricted to shore spots around st clair, stoney creek, and a few ponds.
  12. I watched series of youtube videos last night by an architect, called "so you want to be an architect." I got that prima donna vibe from watching him lol. But his last video in the series summed up everything and talked about pretty much all the negative aspects of being an architect, kinda turned me off from the profession just watching that video.....I need to figure out what i wanna do with my life lol
  13. Been putting more thought into what I want to do in life and architecture has always been something that's been on my mind. I've always loved building things. Played with K'NEX and LEGOs a bunch as a kid and was always building stuff. Took a drafting class in high school and thought it was fun creating technical drawings. Also used a bit of CAD and found that fun as well. Wondering if there are any architects here that i could talk to about the field?
  14. Myspace was cool when I was in middle school...
  15. Yep, also skipped back in high school to fish. Would go to my important first two classes then off I went. My mom would excuse my absences haha.
  16. My mom......She loved animals, had a bunch of rabbits. Every so often she would kinda ask me how I can put a hook through a fish, take it out of the water so it cant breath, then put it back. I was like....."It's fun..." She also asked if I would ever do hunting. To which I replied, yes. I've never been because i don't have anybody to take me, and i feel like hunting isn't something you just try out on your own. Another thing....us dedicated fisherman are bigger tree hugers or environmentalists than most people. I clean up trash, scold my friends when they litter, and I just love nature in general. It takes care of me so I take care of it.
  17. I've narrowed it down for you lol. Good luck man. Whatever your decision, thanks for your service!
  18. As long as I can buy them in bama craw....i can sleep easy
  19. You need a Spook, and a cloudy day. Learn to walk the dog and you'll hook a few.
  20. I can do the same thing with my finger.
  21. My walmart never has any good sales when i look :'(
  22. 245 and 8% BF.....good lordy man! And you said your friend is at only 2%BF? That's godly
  23. NO i didnt mean to say it like that, i meant to say "like raider said" because you touched on it in your first post. When I would put a goal in my head of...."I wanna lose 100lbs" I'd fall off the wagon awfully fast.
  24. I was 18 and weighed about 280 pounds and realized I needed to change, working out, more water, and generally eating less helped me a TON I now weigh about 170. I look back at when I was 280lbs and losing over 100lbs now has really changed my life. It's not easy, the reward is well worth the work. Start small at first, eat a little less and make healthier choices. Cut down on the soda that you drink or cut it out completely. You'll see results. Just don't make your goals ridiculous like raider. I'm not sure how bad your pain is, but if you can, lift weights. This is a picture of me a month ago and a picture of me at last years BR Roadtrip. 170lb(about 15%BF) and about 225lbs(35-40% BF). That's just 225lbs.....imagine 280lbs.....I'm overall just way more happier now. Good luck to you man! Also FIsh Chris......4000 just for maintenance.....HOLY SCHNIKES! Also,
  25. I'm not much of a car guy but my grandpa is a big corvette guy. He has a 2003 but whenever he gets going about them he mentions the 1963 Corvette. Specifically the split window. He'd probably have a heart attack if he saw these pictures.
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