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Everything posted by Scorcher214

  1. Like many others, t-rig is great. But give the split shot rig a try. Use a baby rage craw or a small worm with a curly tail.
  2. If it still runs right, why throw it away? Replace the hooks and slap a fresh coat of paint on it.
  3. Lake st Clair is full of them...and I'd say it's one of the greatest lakes in the united states for fishing.
  4. I'll bite the bullet and let the girls bunk with me.
  5. LMB, natural lake, and i think there are SOME crappie, but mainly tons of bluegills. No clue about perch though. Also, there are no musky.
  6. Check your tool bar on the lower right. Just left of where it shows the time and date. Make sure you don't have anything running that you don't need. I had some antivirus that I didn't use anymore, along with yahoo messenger, and MSN messenger. Closed them both and noticed a difference. Also, try installing avast! antivirus. They have a free version that is actually really nice. It's all I use and found some things my other antivirus couldn't. Another thing you could do is right click on the battery that shows how much power you have and choose power options, then click "High performance". Uses more power, but the computer will run better.
  7. Okay so there are no native peacocks in Michigan (At least that nobody knows of). But about a month ago I was talking to my aunt and uncle while boating and they were telling everybody about their peacock. A peacock had wandered into their yard, and decided to make it his home. I'm thinking he was attracted to the turkey feeder. He's been there since about the 4th. He is always around, whether wandering around the backyard or chilling on the front porch. They feed him mainly bird feed, with the occasional banana. I finally got to see him today while doing some work at their house. I found out he likes to play too. They have a cat and some cat toys and the one that he likes the most is a stick with a colorful string on the end. He'll watch you twirl it and peck at the glass and follow it around. At night he sleeps on the roof to get away from coyotes and any other possible predator. A really beautiful bird and just crazy that it wandered into their yard out of nowhere. From the way it looks, he is there to stay. They are not sure how old he is but from the size of his plumage they think he is the equivalent of a teenager. Also, his name is Kevin, like the bird from UP.
  8. HOLY SMOKES! What a report! Man O man, that place just got the number one spot on my list.
  9. An all black jitterbug is a very popular night time lure. I know I love it!
  10. Same thing with me. Today, all I wanted was a 3/4oz football jig, or even some 3/4oz bullet weights, NOPE. Also, there Rage tail selection sucks. It's all craws and baby craws. I mean, I LOVE some rage craws, but I also love anacondas. I asked a lady to see if maybe she could find some 3/4oz football jigs or bullet weights, she couldn't find any. She pointed me to some walleye jigs that were 3/4oz...sort of trying to convince me they will work the same... DSG is the only tackle shop that carrys a decent amount of tackle. BPS is an hour away so I rather not waste gas. I need to open my own tackle shop, so the other anglers around me won't have to suffer.
  11. Jig Meister hit it good. Cloudy with a little chop is perfect spinnerbait time. Perhaps the fish had seen your plastic worm so much they got tired of it. My.02 on spinnerbaits... If ya can, throw it into some grass or work it over some wood cover. As soon as you feel a bump, give it a pop. This will either set the hook or pop the spinnerbait over the branch, log/get ya loose of the weeds. Otherwise the bait will turn over and you will have hooked a stick fish. Definitely one of my favorite lures to use. Very versitile.
  12. Thanks fellas. Shakey head is something I didn't think about in deep water. What about Lilly pads? Along the shallower edges And along the sides of canals that connected to a bigger lake, there were dense pads. They stretched from 10ft off shore to about 20ft. I fished with a frog and hooked one and that was it. Probably didn't fish them as well as I should have though.
  13. I love this place! Jeff you just make sure to keep me in check haha!
  14. I fished a lake yesterday that was shallow around the shore and deep in the middle (30ft). No points, humps, or irregular features along the bottom. There were also docks that extended into 10t of water and couple that went into 20ft Fished the along the drop off. Mainly with medium diving cranks, spinnerbaits, jigs, and carolina rigs. Not much other than a pike and one bass. It was really sunny and the water is really clear. Could see my lure up till about 10ft. What I didn't get was why bass weren't along the drop offs. Lots of bluegills swimming along the shallow part on the edge of the drop off. Woulda thought there would be a fish just waiting for a blue gill to go over the wander off into deeper water. Anyways, Im guessing that they were much deeper, in the 20-30ft range due to the sunshine and clear water. So I'm just curious as to what are some good deep water techniques. Never fished anything really deeper than 10ft on St. Clair.
  15. Same here. Very simple to navigate, post, and do whatever else I need to do on BR.
  16. Watermelon. Watermelon. And some green pumpkin.
  17. Have a rod rigged with a senko when you're fishing the top water. If they miss, toss the senko to the spot where they hit. Slowing down and changing the presentation may work also.
  18. I have a few spros and to be honest, never ever have I hooked with one, not saying they are bad but, I never had any luck with them. They filled up with water as well. Used a snag proof frog yesterday, and bam. Hooked up like I'm Barney Stinson. And everytime I went to check it to see if it had water in it, it didnt have anything. As for color, I was using a black one.
  19. Ya, by barbless, I mean I just smash the barb down and fish it like that.
  20. I usually go barbless on single hook lures, but with trebles...I rather not.
  21. I accidentally broke my front windshield when I had to pick it up one time and didn't have my blocks and straps... Mine is 10'6"
  22. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=kayak+rack&hl=en&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS462US462&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=643&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=14830947385035585891&sa=X&ei=RhQOUNrSKKOj6wGOjYGYCA&ved=0CHAQ8wIwAA Thats what Im using right now and it is a pain to put on and take off, mainly just the positioning of the foam blocks. The blocks also don't sit under my kayak right and my kayak sometimes comes off the blocks. Anybody use something similar to this?
  23. I am never without pliers. But dang, it can be a real pain getting the hook out sometimes.
  24. I fished with a frog yesterday and even though I only caught one using it, it was about 3lb and I was pretty happy about that. But the hook had gone through its tongue area. Man that was a pain to get out. Then I had one on a jitter bug and it had inhaled the thing. Hooks in its bottom mouth area and in the gills. Bled all over the boat and on my pants and tore my thumb up while I was holding it. I tried pulling that hook out so hard my arm was shaking. Took a good 3 minutes but I eventually got the hooks out and the fish back in the water. I tried reviving it and it moving it around in the water and what not...went upright and swam off right below the surface...It was dark so I lost sight of it pretty quick. Felt bad . Happened several times yesterday and it was just annoying the crap outta me. Ever have one of those days? I want to be delicate with the bass but Im starting to think that just ripping the hooks out as hard and as quick as possible would be better. Possibly damaging the bass a little more but reducing time out of the water. Thoughts?
  25. What kind of trailer hook did you use redboat? A single straight shank hook? I've never used them on frogs but in open water, it couldn't hurt.
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