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Everything posted by Md

  1. Who's to say one or two of FLW's tiltle sponsors such as Chevy or Kellogs wouldn't put something together that rivals that number? If I recall correctly, Strike King is also now a sponsor of FLW, so he'd be allowed to promote them on stage also....These are just thoughts.
  2. Never say never, smalljaw67. KVD as well as every other angler fishing in the MLF are wearing identical tourney jerseys and driving identical boats that are plastered with the sponsors of the series. These include Jack Links, Geico, Busch Beer, Optima batteries, etc. Granted the anglers each invested in the MLF personally, when money gets thrown in the equation who knows what will happen. Who's to say that the FLW doesn't make KVD an offer he can't refuse?
  3. First I would concentrate on steep channel bends that come close to shore, or bluff walls. Try spoons, blade baits(silver buddy), drop shot, and jigs. I wouldn't overlook that stump field either. I'd try a jig, a jerkbait, or a lipless crank. With the jerkbait, start off with LONG pauses between jerks, but if you don't get bit, try different retrieves. Also with the lipless crank, fish it very slowly, almost like a worm. Try to bump it off of those stups without hanging up. Good luck man!
  4. You don't think the Yankees $161 million dollar ace pitcher doesn't eat cookies between innings? Can he skip a jig 30 feet up under a dock with a 6 inch opening like Brian Thrift? No way. Can Thrift throw a 95 mph fastball. No way. Are golfers athletes? John Daly won the British Open while he was drunk and smoking between holes. This argument can go on forever. Competitive fishing is what it is...why try to put these guys in a class? You can't compare it to anything else because it is so specialized.
  5. So competitive eaters are athletes? If they do sit-ups or some other exercise that helps them eat faster then yes. Do any of the Elites have a traning regimen that is designed specifically for fishing? ...and I'm not talking about the age old fishing exercise of 12 ounce curls As a matter of fact, yes some do. Talk to Dave Wolak, John Crews or Gerald Swindle and ask out thier workout regimen has factored into their fishing.
  6. So competitive eaters are athletes?
  7. In Japan, the baseball players go into the clubhouse and smoke between innings. The NY Jets star quarterback Mark Sanchez was eating hotdogs on the sidelines last year during a game. What defines an athlete? I'm not sure. But I will tell you this, sign up for a FLW or BASS three day event and make the cut, fish all three days after practicing for a few days from light til dark and you will gain a TON of respect for what these guys do. Trust me.
  8. It won't effect my fishing at all, but I'll be back to canned tuna and ramen noodles again, just like my college days! I might even drop a few pounds. ;D Did I mention my boat holds 52 gallons of gas, and 2 stroke Yamalube is $30 a gallon? Glad I'm single!
  9. I like 10 lb. Fireline Crystal with a 7 lb Sunline flouro leader.
  10. Md


    I totally agree and I think they did a fine job with the coverage...but it wouldn't have killed them to bump it up to 9 p.m. Also, they knew in advance that they were running behind, they could have aired the beginning on one of their other 10 channels.
  11. Md


    Anyone else trying to watch day three of the Classic? Drag racing....WTH!!! It just shows what ESPN really thinks about us. First they put it on at 10:00, then they bump it 15 minutes for drag racing. I hope Jerry and the boys change something soon!
  12. And I may add, if you come ripping by on plane and are within casting distance, you may need pliers to pull the hooks of a magnum spook out of your skull!
  13. No offense, but if you are going as a co-angler and have never been there before, your boater will not listen to your advise from the Internet. Hope you draw a boater on some fish.
  14. You mean like this? ;D Found this on Youtube a while back.
  15. Also, one of the most important things I've learned is that every wave, or set of waves, is different, and should be driven as such. It takes a lot of concentration and can be very nerve racking.
  16. I've been out on the lake and the river(St. Lawrence) in 6 footers. Sometimes you don't have a choice when you run 30 miles and a big storm rolls in. I'd take my 21' Skeeter with a 4 blade prop over an aluminum deep v any day. I just take my time and climb over every wave. Believe me, it's not fun and it eats up a ton of fuel, but it sure beats the alternative. Did you ever own a deep V? Wonder why Al Linder uses deep V's rather than a Bass rig on the great Lakes.... Let me guess a more stable platform for such. Tight Lines Pa Angler No, I have not and I'm not trying to argue with you. Mr. Linder's deep v's also didn't run 70+ on calm days. Sometimes I need to make milk runs and hit as many places as possible during a tournament day. A 21' bass boat is very versatile and I was just stating a fact that I have been out in 6 footers on Ontario and not had problems...but my boat is also set up for it(4 blade prop, 54 inch tm shaft, extra bilge, etc). Truth be told, if I fished the Great Lakes exclusively, I would opt for a 21' FIBERGLASS walleye boat. They really handle big water.
  17. I've been out on the lake and the river(St. Lawrence) in 6 footers. Sometimes you don't have a choice when you run 30 miles and a big storm rolls in. I'd take my 21' Skeeter with a 4 blade prop over an aluminum deep v any day. I just take my time and climb over every wave. Believe me, it's not fun and it eats up a ton of fuel, but it sure beats the alternative.
  18. Do you even own a spinning rod?
  19. I posted this one a while back but it's worth another look.
  20. I have a 788ci on my bow and I love it. I got it last summer when my Lowrance unit filled with water for the THIRD TIME and they just kept replacing it with the same unit!!! I also have a Lowrance 28c Hd on my dash. It has a ton of options and works well, but if anything happens to it I'd definitely go to a 1198si because of the reliability, customer service, and ease of use with the Humminbirds. I'd also like to link the units together...but that's down the road. If you get a 788ci, you won't be disappointed.
  21. That's funny right there!
  22. I had some problems too. It seems like it gets better in the summertime when less people are watching it and not cooped up indoors here up north. It's definately on their end either way.
  23. That is probably the toughest time on the lake because it's usually post spawn and not only are they hard to find but they don't want to eat. I have seen them on beds in mid-July out there if it's a cold Spring. If you try mid-June or late Sept/early October I bet you would do a whole lot better.
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