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About Bigchunk

  • Birthday 04/03/1990

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  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. Thanks! Would like to know if the traffic is all year or mainly from memorial to Labor Day? Thanks for reply!
  2. Going down for a job, considering moving down outside of Raleigh. Looking a Jordan lake, Harris lake and a few others. Who’s around and how do they fish? I see good things about the lakes. Wondering about boat traffic as well. Thanks
  3. Since I can't get the lexa on sale I'm looking at the lews. What are your opinions for smaller swimbaits?
  4. I'm About to check out at tw and discount is not working for diawa, I'm at the place order #4 of checking out and discount is applied to everything else
  5. I'm looking for the same, also a lexa 300 but I forgot tw excludes diawa from the Black Friday sale
  6. Ok thanks that's all I needed to know !
  7. Looking for a new reel for my 795 champion swimbait rod. Was hoping the 300 has enough line capacity, thanks
  8. I put a lews reel on it and it's a lot more manageable. honestly I think it was me not being used to the micro guides, I put the reel off the micro guide rod on a champion 685 cb and it casts a jerkbait fine. Thanks for your help !
  9. It's the grey 120 dollar model, I have another on different rod and it's fine, I think I'm just not used to micro guides, I put a lews tmb on it and it's a lot better! Thanks for The help
  10. Ok so I measured the first two guides and they are 5/32, and I am using 10lb invisix, this is the only rod I have problems with
  11. Ok well this rod in particular has 11 guides, and they are all tiny. The first guide from the reel seat is about the same size ID as the tip on my dobyns champion. I tried to send a pic but it says its to big. The reel worked good today on my 7'6 crucial throwing DD cranks
  12. Yea it's most likely me and the reel, I've come to like the tatulas so much I'm probably just not used to have to really fine tune a reel.
  13. I use it for cranking so the line is tight when I reel it back in for next cast, with no loops or anything. I have the same reel on another rod and it cats fine no issues. It's the brand we don't say on here, I got good deal on it and figured I'd try it
  14. So I have a micro guide rod, not saying brand, but it's a 7'1 crank stick with all micro guides. I've been having issues with the setup. I though it may be the reel, but it's my only casting set up that I'm having issues with. One cast will be fine the next it will puff up a bit so to say. Tried adjusting brake, can't get it right, so tomorrow im trying it on a different rod, thanks btw I'm not new to casting gear i have a full fleet.
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