At the end of may Iam heading up to Conway area to do some fishing I am looking for some good spots to fish and any tips on what I should try for baits I really would apreciate some good information.
I am looking to get some good rain gear for the upcoming season. I am not really sure how much I want to spend maybe 250 to 300 tops but if I could find something that's cheaper and still good that would be fine. I see cabelas has this stuff called dry plus witch is a little bit cheaper then the groe tex stuff.
Nobody knows anyone that has bought anything from this site or has any information about there experience in buying something from the factory outlet store?
Has anybody bought Humminbird electronics from the it seems like there prices are better than everybody elses and I just want to make sure they are legit.
The one without the lip you fish just like a zara spook witch means topwater walking the dog. The one with the lip dives a few feet so I would think you would fish it like a jerkbait but thats just my two cents.
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