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Everything posted by Mo_Tick

  1. 30# is very much all you need. i have a 30 on my 14' starcraft and loaded i will do 3-4.5 mph on my gps. just get a deep cycle marine battery and youll be good to go. my battery will last 12-14 hours on a charge, if thats all i use.
  2. Hello you Boating guru's. i am getting ready to go to Canada in 2 months, this year i want NOT to get soaked while back trolling with my boat. is there a Curtian or something that can fit the length of the stern, and around the Motor to prevent getting Wet during ruff water? thanks Tom
  3. one battery should be fine. those little things are great i think for smaller waters. i had one and drug it to where i needed it. good and stable also. good luck!
  4. this maybe the wrong spot for this topic if so im sorry. i was messing around my wifes grandsparents basement...and guess what i found...beside a Johnson 6hp in Mint condition and a Johnson 9.9. i found a Pheluger (splchk) Chrome or stainless Trolling motor..now you may be thinking big deal right? well this dude will run on 6 volt or 12 volt. its a tiny motor. i hooked it up to a 6v flashlight battery and it ran perfect, hooked it up to a 12v car batt, same thing. Any idea what this could be worth? i will get pics real soon, but its the same Pheluger looking emblom on the fishing reels. its got to be a 1964 model at least.
  5. OK, i think i need to clarify something. its not the Tip that broke, its the end that slides onto the bottm piece with the reel. it broke or shattered on one side, after i let loose with a spinner bait.
  6. Hey all you tackle freaks!! ha-ha. i have a 2 piece pole that while i was fishing broke at the connection on the top piece. it really shattered, and thank god for the line i reeled it back in with my lure. can i fix this and still have a decent pole? i really like this pole, and hate to throw it away. Please any thoughts would be helpful. if you can tell me what pieces part to get glue...etc to fix if possible.
  7. Hey mofishin...look in the Columbia Tribune online...thats where i live, there are a few boats in the paper i think worth a harder look than this one.
  8. i saw the stuff on Ebay, but its not the Color i want. im going to do the inside of the boat this season, at this rate i'll bee lucky to be fishing in a month with it. Next year the outside. Thanks LBH, i went to that site as well.. this is one of those thing that you get what you put into it. so money and time i think are well spent.
  9. i am trying to find some at local stores with no luck, do you guys know where i can get it or what store would carry it? i found it on the web for 23.99 a qt with free shipping...can i do better than that?
  10. Ben thanks. im fishing in Mo and Ks mostly. i didnt think it would hurt the boat and i looked at the MO regs and found nothing about overpowering. if this deal goes through i may have to do it. that little bit of extra power will help on the Mo River.
  11. HEY ALL, ok my 14' boat has a Max rating of 30hp...i have the chance to get a 35hp on a sweetheart deal. will using a 35 screw up my boat? if i was going to a 40 i might see where it could hurt. but 30 to 35? any thoughts?
  12. if you are looking to sell that 25, it would look good on my 14'. maybe we could help each other get Bigger motors. just a thought.
  13. 1) im with KU on this one. 2) i have a 30lb thrust and can go all day, but i dont use it as main means of propulsion, Gas motor to get me there and then trolling motor. 3) put a timer on it to conserve the Battery, have it run 30 secs every 3 mins or so and you'll be good. 4) i put the batteries up towards the front on my project, and 2 connectors, one for the back and one up front. Make sure the wire for the longest run is big enough and has a breaker on the battery. at least 6g wire. 5) the wider the better, no doubt. 6) lots of chargers, i cant answer that properly. 7) ?? 8) Depends on how far away the deck is from the bottom of the boat. i am adding Foam to mine for sound and floatation. the foam will make the boat quiter in choppy water as well (deffining hull slap) 9) Going fishing!! and worry about this stuff as it comes up.
  14. here are my thoughts. i bought a new tracker a few years back and to save Money i got a 40 hp. it was ok with 2 guys and gear, add a 3rd person, and holy cow whata dog. the max was 75hp. my current boat is a 14" 830 cap with a 30 hp rating. and you can bet you butt im looking for a 30. if you can afford it and the boat will take it, use the Max HP allowed. my .02 worth
  15. Your Boat is very similar to mine, 14' starcraft. i am adding a deck to mine. i am using 5/8 plywood the front bench seat on the rear and some support under it towards the front. just take your time. you'll be fine. so far ive added the Floors and have most of the wood purchased and am at 100.00, next is carpet, varnish and a few other things. i think my whole project will be under 250.00 or at least thats what im shooting for. Good Luck
  16. "HOT SAW" = a Saw blade with many teeth thats heated up with a little propane torch. it just makes it easier to to cut through the Stryofoam, Plus it wont allow it to fall apart. know what i mean?
  17. No, actually, we just had rain and snow here, and it was outside.. still light as a feather. i think it'll work just fine.
  18. well in my case i removed the Middle seat, and the front seat. all 3 bench seats had foam under them. i will use the foam removed from them and the stuff i got under the floor. it will serve 2 fold, 1 is Safety and 2 Sound dampening. dropping things on the floor wont echo. i am also going to add more foam "ABOVE" than was there, by placing it under the front deck i added. im just going to slice it and use "Great Stuff" to help it stick in place. Should be neat.
  19. i had been looking around for some foam to place under the floors that i am adding to my Boat. i stumbled across an Orschelns Farm store here in Mid Mo. out in the Parking lot they just recieved a shipment of Small trailers, 5x8 4x6, you know utility trailers. they were stacked on top of each other with no wheels on them. they were stacked on Perfect 18"x 10' Foam blocks wrapped in plastic wrap. i asked and they let me take all i wanted. i think this stuff will be perfect, using a hot saw to slice them and place them on my boat floor. Just thought id let you all know, if you have a farm store or somewhere where they sell trailers..they may have a ton of this stuff and be throwing it away. Tom
  20. Yep i also fish a ton of lakes in E Kansas, that Tilt trailer and 14' starcraft work pretty cool. like stated above, the right Bank is Key. but that Tilt trailer really is the cats meow for that.
  21. on the Jon i had, i used the Plastic Wedge that fit into the front Handle!! what a piece of Junk, as soon as i turned the Motor up to get along prety good, the dang thing was slipping up and out from the trolling Motor pressure. took it back to BPS. use a 2x4, much more safer.
  22. KU, did you survive the Storms? i heard you have no classes today because 60% of campus was damaged. in Columbia Mo we had some nasty stuff, but nothing for my house.
  23. LBH AND KU, just so you know, i did call Landaue in the Ozarks and they said it was a 1979 from the Vin. if i didnt get this other boat, i would have done it. im glad you are. im glad it being taken care of.
  24. KU!! that looks Great!! im glad you are getting it done. i am almost done with mine, to many curves and wasted wood to talk about at this point. Good Job!!
  25. Well not really, i have been thinking about making my own Jigs and spinnerbaits and what not. But the straw that broke the Camels back was last weekend. i went to the KC Cabelas, bought some tube and plastic worms. wanted to get a few new Tube jig heads. well for 25 i paid 14.99. i pretty certain i can do that a lot cheaper. i have done research and all, are the Do-it Molds good for Jig heads? and i have 50 pounds of lead shot i was going to use for shotgun shells, is that lead good enough to melt and use? i like this new addition to the forum. good stuff here.
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