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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. Little girl becomes a highly skilled warlock assassin, Kicks grownups @$$, WINNING!!!
  2. Video's 10+ Music -5 Overall not so bad and I am one of those who "only listens to country" Capt.O
  3. I would suggest making your base molds from wood instead of clay. You can mess up a mold fast if you don't remove the clay carefully. Capt.O
  4. That makes me want to stick tooth picks under my nails. watch this it will help you forget the terror
  5. I lost a very close friend in a similar accident in 2006. The boat tipped over because of the wind. He died from hypothermia and did not drown but he was wearing a PFD. thoughts and prayers for your family Capt.O
  6. Dang I love yellow labs great vid
  7. The best shot was with the frog, the strike and the music were timed perfectly Great Video Capt.O
  8. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..........Don't tell BassCLARY
  9. I just started fishing them myself zoom fluke is the only one I have used so far.
  10. Ahhhhhhh its Captain shiny sides kids isn't that cute ;D lol
  11. What has produce for me the best so far is letting it sink to the bottom and then jerking and pause retrieve. Just so you guys know I've read most threads and articles on BassResource.com about fishing the fluke. I was just being sarcastic ;D
  12. Guess its about time I did one of these.... I'm in Capt.O
  13. You sure there is something about you that hints that you might not be teling the whole truth. : lol Capt.O
  14. I can still see my first fluke fish. I was jerking it off the bottom and it was about 4 ft from me when I jerked it out of the water. A bass came flying after it out of the water and I think he got it in mid air. All I know is that I set the hook when the bass hit the water and it was fish on. One of those moments I'll never forget. Capt.O
  15. So while everyone here has been so busy trying to see who could say the nicest thing about Strike Kings Rage Tail products someone forgot to tell me about the Zoom Fluke > So I final had to go into the uncharted territory all by myself and figure it out. Have you guys noticed that there is nothing on BassResource.com written about how to fish the Fluke As a matter of fact the whole bass fishing community seems to know nothing about how to fish this lovely piece of plastic ;D To make a long story short the light bulb went on about how it fish it over the last week and I've been killing them ever since. I'm just wondering now why it took me so long to figure it out Just thought I'd remind you guys that there are other lures besides Rage Tail stuff jk Capt.O
  16. I'm Not Comparing Anyone On Here To Hitler So Don't Take It Like That. Communism Is built around the Idea that a master race must be built by weeding out the "weaker" members of the human race. A guy named Hitler kinda had the same idea only he was hoping for a pure race. So now we are going to start getting ride of people so we can help the biosphere? I got an idea all those in favor of giving their life for the good of earth go ahead and do so, hey its your idea not mine> I'm personally not read to get off this burning rock just yet. Not saying I want any member who believes this um..."other" way of thinking to die but seriously that's what their saying Personally I think God put us here and he will take us out of here when he wants, we don't have to help him. Capt.O
  17. Happy Birthday Send the $15 card to me I live about 30 minutes away in Gainesville so you can save on shipping lol
  18. Welcome! Nice to see someone from Poland, My family came from Poland In the 50"s so I plan on going there one day and doing a little family research. Welcome again Capt.O
  19. Just wondering why would someone trade a perfectly good bike for a beater car? I mean if all it needs is a starter and your old car sounds like it needs more than a little work ,why trade? Bike needs less work and gets better gas mileage. I'm not saying they don't have a good reason just wondering. Capt.O
  20. Thanks to all you guys that are here and made it back. Also thanks to those of you who didn't make it back, I'm sure they can hear us where they are right now.
  21. I will be gone the rest of the week on a river canoeing and fishing. Meanwhile I'm busy at work Find something to do that makes you better, at least your time is then not wasted.
  22. Mac's and PC's are both great computers. Hands down the Mac is the best user computer, if you just want a problem free machine a Mac is the way to go. PC is best for those who like to customize their stuff and don't want to be told what they can and can't run. I'm a PC guy I've used macs but I'll never own one.
  23. Hookingem you do that and your going to need one of these
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