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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. I've tried the shad and the craw.I've fished them using every known presentation, and then some. I Loved them in the pool they have that awesome action and a great design The fact of the matter is that I have been fishing Zoom products for a long time. I've caught fish on almost all of Zooms products and they are tops in my confidence bait category. I also fish several other soft bait brands but only a few specific baits for different presentations. The fact remains though that I always catch fish on Zoom products. I'm always trying new baits, but my core is still built around zoom. Their products produce for me just fine and if it ain't broke don't fix it. I also never follow the crowd, if enough people are doing it that means its either wrong or to easy. (Its just a general life rule I follow and not a knock against' rage tail or its fans.) Besides at the rate you guys are fishing rage tail products it won't be long before the fish are immune to them and I'll be able to dominate. Capt.O
  2. I am well known for saying that I can't catch a d*** thing on rage tail baits. Maybe this is the one that will get me hooked. Can't wait to try it. Capt.O
  3. As you guys can see I have been off the forums way to long Face palm. Sorry guys just the way I was reading the thread it seem like nobody was catching fish with them and so Hooligan was just saying they don't work. Ok I going to shut my mouth until I'm back in forum shape. Capt.O
  4. I saw some of the weirdest lighting ever about a month ago. It was striking so fast that it was constantly light outside. Looked like massive camera shots being taken during a major event. On a side note,If i see lighting and I'm on the water I head for shelter asap. Capt.O
  5. Whoa hold on a minute! Lets not put the nail in the coffin just yet. Dean Rojas won $100K with that bait and your telling me it doesn't work? Don't give up on the bait just because success is not instant. This bait is a specialty bait, its not intended to be a do all. This bait was created for one reason only,bed fishing. I guarantee if you took that bait out on the water around the spawn and fished it on the beds you would catch fish. The problem is that other than bed fishing or some very specific times when bass are feed heavily on bluegills this bait won't produce as well as other baits. You have to keep in mind that not every bait can be like the senko or the spinner-bait which can be fished in a wide range of circumstances. Capt.O
  6. Hey detroit1 didn't you hear that L.Mike has decided that he is personally going to set my generation straight all by himself. On the the other hand Colorado Springs is a great place.If you move there realize your are not allowed to complain about your lakes being iced over and not being able to fish till July. Capt.O
  7. Yep that was a serious flaw with the 2.0 version it tended to not read things before posting them.
  8. Most annoying song every. (WARING: I can not be held responsible for your brain washing watch video at your own risk)
  9. Remington 870 12 gauge is my favorite shotgun.My question is what can you not use it for?
  10. Hey I found my way home I just took a small detour on the way. Hey did I miss any big debate's? If not I was considering bring up the old topic about how tackletour.com rated the Abu Garcia Vendetta rods better than Damiki's Angle Blade. Might be good for another fifteen pages Capt.O
  11. I wish that all my coworkers played was Zack Brown Band. Instead they like that crap rap music which you can't understand. Give him a Eric Church or Jason Aldean CD to mix it up a little bit. Capt.O
  12. X2 The way I look at it what happens down here is only temporary what happens after this life is forever so that is what I'd be taking care of. just my $0.02 Capt.O
  13. You know sometimes you just can't beat a classic. The Original Capt.O Is BACK!
  14. But if you tell us about it we can help you forget about it lol jk Capt.o
  15. AHHHHHHHHHHH.,...YOU DID IT AGAIN. Yes that video its not music so it doesn't count as a song. lol Throw that video on the ground http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRUgkhxu26Q Capt.O
  16. OHIO There is no evil I could wish on you that is payment enough for bring that song back to BassResource.com. lol
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnPINGavPP0 Not to hijack the thread but think this is one of his better song the guy is just plain funny.
  18. Song is decent but man the blond is smok'in
  19. hope they take don't out massive amounts of stuff like they did in the LOTR trilogy.
  20. Yep she is a keeper Congrats
  21. Wow, bluegills seems to be the hot color, yet it seems to be a color inside a color. Look at the different "bluegills" that have been posted here Just thought it was funny that the same pattern has so many variations. Wonderful work guys hats off to you.
  22. Lets see I fish at least an hour every day during lunch break on my days off of school not including weekends. Been going really good to, rarely miss a limit avg. bass weighing about 3 lbs. guess these 75 degree weather has the fish moving shallow. I'm still waiting on the big ones, they haven't come up just yet but soon. Plus I always... Oh wait sorry I thought this was the southern boy's bragging board. Capt.O
  23. Can't seem to get that video embeded I don't know why? but here is how for future reference. you click the media button you get something like this. <- fake code just so you know you put the video URL in the middle Video URL Capt.O
  24. If you think that bass fishing is to easy on the physical side, just ask the G-man or Bryon Velvick about their injury's, they might tell you different. Yep these guys are athletes
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