Misbehaving is an understatement. Don't get me wrong I think the NCAA is a little to hard like coming down on players who get their dinners bought for them. I mean face it the school is feeding them for free anyways so whats wrong with a fan showing some love.
But this whole Ohio State, Miami,USC it is getting out of hand.Yes I know the atmosphere around the sport is unbelievable but after that how can you consider players and coaches great when they are cheating left and right?
I think they need to have a Minor league football league, yes it would hurt college football but it would help make it clean. No more hearing about how 18 year old kids can't refuse thousands of dollars blah blah.If they want to make money go play in the minors the money would be there and teams could start grooming players to fit their system.
What ever happens we need something that will stop the cheating and kill the BCS.