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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. The point is Alabama had no business being in that game. They didn't win the SEC they lost to LSU during the season, I'm not saying OSU was better than Bama but they had the best record out of any other school outside the SEC except for Houston. So basically we got an extremely boring national title game which was won by a team who shouldn't have been there. Thank you BcS
  2. So I'm going to be doing some boar hunting this year and I've been considering getting another rifle for it. I currently have a Winchester 270 and I'm thinking it might be a little overkill for boars. Just wondering what you guys use and if your got any suggestions? Capt.O
  3. I think this sums up that excuse for a national title game just fine http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/news?slug=dw-wetzel_alabama_lsu_bad_bcs_title_game_010912
  4. I guess I'm an idiot because I'm making the switch to fishing only my own tackle or that of other small tackle makers. BTW I also plan to start making my own rods. Yes making your own tackle is a little more expensive at the start but the money saved over the long run is worth and in my opinion a superior product. So my advice is that if you have a major problem with tackle prices start making your own. Another thing I'd like to point out is that the old tackle monkey can also make your tackle bill a little higher than it should be. I mean if your anything like me you have more than a few lures that your most likely never going to use.
  5. Thanks Capt.O
  6. Hey montess where do you get a mold for that head??
  7. Did you make those from a store bought mold or one you made yourself? Those will work just fine of the fish in North Texas and I should know
  8. ^^^^^ This is a new idea ^^^^^ lol Capt.O
  9. HOOK"EM HORNS sorry I couldn't resist Capt.O
  10. I've given a them a chance several times and have never gotten them to work. I have no doubt they catch fish they just don't seem to work for me.
  11. I think the cowboys are cursed, until Jerry hires a GM we will never see the super bowl.
  12. lynyrdsky1 I'll pray for you and your friend.
  13. If you are a Cowboys fan then you know that any win against the Redskins at their house is huge no matter what. Face it they could be the worst team in the league but when they play Dallas at their house they become a team of super stars. Hey I take the win not matter how bad Capt.O
  14. True that our generation has big ego problems. On the other hand twitter is a great branding tool & it is extremely useful for businesses. Capt.O
  15. The Cowboys will be facing some weak teams over the next few weeks so I won't be surprised if they are 8-4 by the end of November. That being said the season really depends on how well the come together as a team over the next few weeks. We shall see what we shall see. Capt.O
  16. Tell me about it, I swear if I hear about ethics in another class I am going to puke. I'm taking five classes this semester Business Law Marketing Finance Business Computer Information Systems Business Statistics In each one of these classes I have had at least 1 whole class period on ethics. I expected it in Business Law but seriously tying Microsoft Access & Ethics together is going a bit to far in my opinion. As to the test question I would choose answer 1 because it just asked you why it could be a problem and not when it would be or when it wouldn't be a problem. Capt.O
  17. Really cause I know of no reputable future accountant in college
  18. Well this is embarrassing... I just realized how long its been since I have devoted time to fishing. Sad to say that once school started I have not even touch a fishing rod or read a fishing blog. And for a man who prides himself on keeping up with new equipment you can imagine my shame when I looked on ***.com and found out shimano had come out with new designs of their fishing rods. I was just wondering if anyone has used the Compre line of rod? Capt.O
  19. I think my marketing professor says it best.Here is his definition of what a college education does for you.On a side note this is being applied to business school "A college education teaches you how to think, solve problems, and communicate in a professional setting" Which means that unless you acquire those skills you are wasting your time and money at college. Capt.O
  20. Hey man good luck at college.
  21. I like them, they are a little quit so but very good finesse lip-less bait for cold water or when you need to put a few extra fish in the boat
  22. Anything that makes the big 12 stronger is good by me. I just can't wait for A&M to come running back after they get smacked around in the SEC
  23. It appears that it is a lure that has escape the knowledge of the 30,000+ members of this site, may I suggest going over to the tackle making forum and finding someone who can make a mold of it before you fish with it again. Morelures I believe makes all of his own molds and his lures are second to none so I would start there. Capt.O
  24. Guys its not stealing I've done it on numerous occasions at Academy Sports & Outdoors. Went up with the product told the cashier what had happened manager comes over checks out the story then lets me going paying the price marked on the package. As long as its their fault most stores are under obligation to meet the price marked on the product. Like I said go up be honest tell them the truth about what happen.If they say they can't let you have it at that price just say thanks and don't buy it. Capt.O
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