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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. Rascal flats has some great songs like "Bob that head" and "Me and My gang"
  2. I'm going to state the obvious and say that a great site like BassResource.com is impossible without great moderators ! Thanks guys Cap.O
  3. ^ I get it now BWHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ;D Cap.O
  4. I have no good reason, other than that is what a few friends call me, and because I do other things in my life than fish, its sad but its true. Don't worry I intend to stick with this name, it's funny and easy to remember Cap.O ^ I'm still trying to find out what BWHAAAAAAAAAAAAA! means? He does it after every post
  5. ^ must have bad eye sight Cap.O
  6. Howdy from one Texan to another!!!! (If there is one place to live and be a bass fisherman it's Texas....Yeeehaw!!!) Cap.O
  7. WOW that was funny Hey were is Dave? this is right up his ally lol ;D
  8. You don't know how bad I wished I could have come thanks for adding salt to the wound ;)LOL Cap.O
  9. Chris is right though, line plays a major factor with rods, when I switch to fluorocarbon after fishing mono, it was amazing the difference that I felt on the same rods Cap.O
  10. the best I've used were BPS PQ But it seems that the GLX is the best
  11. Zona has the only fishing show that my mom likes!!!!! It was great when he did the T.O. impression on the lake Falcon show ;D ;D
  12. ^ He was talking about fishingismylife who is now Captain Obvious
  13. The zoom trick worm does float without a hook, I just filled a bathroom sink to find out. But I also found out why it seems that it doesn't float. If you just take a trick worm and drop it into the water then it won't float because as soon as the worm's body goes under water it starts to sink. But if you use two hands and gentle place it on top of the water then the worm will float. It also floats on a shaky head as long as you Texas rig it instead of rigging it with the hook exposed like a grub If you don't believe me fill a sink and try it for yourselves, remember gentle place the worm on top of the water And if this fails, we can then assume that it will only works for guys named Derek, because my name is Derek and it works for me ;D
  14. ^thinks he has a copyright for (LOL ) Look back to page 39 of this topic and read what Dave said after I posted LOL ...you'll get it then
  15. ^ isn't really a king until 2010....
  16. I use Norman's mostly but I think I see a pattern from what people are saying DON'T SLAP THE RAPALAS ON THE WATER OR FISH THEM NEXT TO ROCKS you do that and they won't break just my two cents
  17. Thanks guys, the reason I asked is because I'm about to start fishing in tournaments, and I wanted to make sure that I'm using good equipment, I owned a BPS PQ rod and reel and they where great. And if there good enough for Evers then there good enough for me. Time to go buy them now
  18. ^ took the words right out of my mouth
  19. ^to prove how none paranoid I am, I'm going to say something nice about Dave....... That is when I can think of one ;D
  20. OK Thanks guys I plan to use most of it
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