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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. I love my Bucoo, extremely sensitive and well built. You'll love it trust me
  2. I love to see them too but the weird thing is that this one is a negative review about one of BassResource.com four sacred things. ;D St.Croix Avids Strike King Rage Tail baits Shimano Reels GYBC Senkos
  3. Now were down to two ;D
  4. That there seems to be a recent rise in celebrity deaths? I mean I think we have four posts on the front page right now all related to someone who died. Almost makes this page depressing to come too.....
  5. True but if you don't have confidence in a certain brand don't fish it. NewAngler isn't giving up on soft plastics, rage tail baits just haven't gained his confidence. He hasn't said that the baits are bad, they just don't work for him. Don't give up you'll find the brand that fits you and then your set.
  6. You know there is always the option that you just had a really weird dream
  7. Man law 1014: Exotic shoes are only for women
  8. Zack I meant to pm you but that 5.25 swimbait looked killer in the pool. If you could make those in a 3.25 it be a great numbers bait. Great work man
  9. Words of the wisdom
  10. Hold up guys I never said it was ok to wing someone. All I said was that winging is an alternative to shooting to kill. J said it he laughed when people said shoot to kill. I said that you can also shoot to wing or scare. I never once said it was ok or that I would do it. Go back and you will find that I was the first guy who said he would shoot to kill. I also never claimed to be a great shot. Please guys pay attention to the wording and you'll see I never said I would shoot to wing someone or scare a person. If it sounded like I was implying that I'm sorry but I wasn't I'd also like to point out that even our men over seas don't kill wounded enemies unless their still firing back. If you telling me that if by accident you wing a guy when you meant to kill him. And this person is out, and is unable to hurt you anymore. Would go up to that man and "Finish the Job"?
  11. As for shoot to wing someone I'll admit its not for the average Joe, but to say it only happens in movies is incorrect. I've heard of it being done to disarm people or stop them from getting away, and both in real life situations. Of course you have to be very very good with a gun to do it and its only suggested for pros. I fully understand that a gun is meant to kill, I live in a small town in Texas, most kids around here own at lest two guns by the time they are 12. I never said I would shoot to wing someone. I was only pointing out to J that their are other options than shooting to kill. And here is something my gun class teach once asked me. If your shooting to kill, lets say you hit the guy but he's not dead what do you do now? Deciding to take someones life even in self defense is not something to be taken lightly.
  12. J you can also just shoot to wing someone. You can also shoot to just to scare people.
  13. Man I can't wait to try mine
  14. That might be right but I can tell you that if I couldn't out run them and it came down to use of guns, I'm shooting to kill. I not taking the chance of them getting away and coming back later for my family
  15. I think I just wet myself but that was awsome
  16. The one mistake I think a lot of guys make is thinking it takes $10,000 worth of rods reels and tackle to be successful. And if their really serious about becoming better they have to understand that when it comes to rods and reels you always take quality over quantity.
  17. No offense taken, my question wasn't specific enough
  18. Thanks man but I think I had that much figured out ;D I mean don't you have to make sure its in the dead center of the lip and how do you determine that? And how far into the body do you have the wire going?
  19. Look great, I have a question though. How do you get the wire though the computer chip lips? Capt.O
  20. pm sent
  21. If its free sure
  22. I'd like to fish with some of the guys on here that are around my age. I already fish with guys much older and better than me.
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