The rule is when throwing jigs there are no rules. That being said here are some guide lines for "Pitching Jigs"
let depth be your guide here.
1'-12' throw a 3/8 oz jig
12'-15' throw a 1/2 oz jig
15'-20' throw a 3/4 oz jig
20'+ - 1 oz jig
Unless your fishing thick grass or trying to cover water quickly this applies. If you are fishing grass or trying to cover water faster then just bump every size up one depth.
Since we are talking pitching jigs stick with dark colors. Black/Blue, Brown, Green Pumpkin should cover all your fishing needs just fine. Not saying that you shouldn't try a white jig or something with more color to it. These are just the colors I pitch almost 90% of the time. If you want something a little brighter you can dye your trailer with a little chartreuse JJ's Magic.
Thick because you could always thin it out. If you are looking for numbers then thinner might be better but I find thick skirt will get you decent numbers and bigger fish.
Since we are pitching jigs I would say have a shorter trailer because most of the time a shorter trailer goes through cover better. As for the skirt I usually trim mine a little but still keep it behind the hook. Again if your fishing for bigger fish you better off with a longer skirt but that will to a point cut down on the number of fish. Most of the time I want the end of my trailer at least level with my jigs longest strands preferably a little longer.
In any type of cover. Only in extremely thick grass will I tie something else on. Then again you could always throw a A-Jay rig but that's getting a little to advance right now.
I already answered this question when I was talking about weight size.
I only use rattles in very dirty water,sometimes at night, if the water level has risen due to rain or flooding. The other 90% of the time no rattle.
Sometimes its a thump, sometimes its a tap tap, and sometimes you don't feel a thing welcome to bass fishing
Yep most of the time but again you never know.
Like are said there are no rules for jig fishing. The best way to answer you questions is just to fish them and develop you own opinions about them. Follow these guide lines but they are just guides when you start tweaking them to fit your needs is when you will really start nailing them.
Good Luck