OK this is just a rant/issue that I have notice and I wanted to bring it to light.
We always talk about how we need to get the younger people more involved in fishing. So why is it that we like to chase them away by making fun of them or ranting about them.
I know that some kids post stupid things about getting sponsors and resumes, but why do you think they do that? They just don't know how it works.
I can remember when I posted my first question here. I asked how I could get sponsors. Of course there was the usual few guys making fun of me.But there was also guys who told me about what I had done wrong and what I needed to do if I wanted sponsors one day.
It was those guys that made me want to learn more about the industry and educate myself by asking more questions and reading more about it.
The point I'm trying to make is that I think we need to lay off the rants and teasing and focus in on the helping.
90% of the posts and threads on here are great and the reason a lot of young guys like me have progressed in our understanding about sponsors and life as a whole. But its that 10% of ranting and teasing that could scare off kids who were once really interested in bass fishing.
I know that some of these kids think their big shots and won't even take good advice. In that case teasing them is not going to help, let them stick their hands in the fire and learn for themselves.
In my opinion if a young kid likes fishing enough that he joins BassResource.com so he can learn. That's the type of kid who we want to keep around because he will become a dedicated fisherman for life.
I know they sound stupid and its funny, but lets help them and not make fun of them.
We got it right 90% of the time, lets tack on that last 10% and help grow this sport.