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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. Last time I check it had like marsh mellows or something in it? IDK i stop eating cereal in college
  2. Maybe we should change it into a math test lol
  3. No hugs!!! I'll do an internet high five though
  4. Dude if it was a joke put in a few smile faces or a LOL so I know. Your right it is the internet and it was my fault for thinking it was not a joke. my mistake I thought you where upset that I called Clary's thread pointless. Apologies all around and Booberry for everyone And skunk again can then lead us in a grandpa song
  5. Yeah and make sure you don't pick up any extra "baggage" that you have to buy an extra ticket for. Also might want to start thinking of some good excuses just in case lol
  6. I didn't think you would Clary, I meant it as a joke. But OHIO took offense for you so I thought I just remove my posts so this thread didn't get closed because of people pointing fingers at each other about pointless posts.
  7. Does that exists? I mean other than shows, clubs, restaurants, hotels,marriage chapels and casinos what else is there in Vegas
  8. And I can't believe that my long horns lost to a bunch of overated okies
  9. I agree it seems that it takes one missed read post these days and a whole thread gets hijack by people pointing fingers at each other. I'll admit my post was a pointless joke ( what else would you expect on a thread like this?) but at least it was on topic with the thread. Seriously guys " If You Don't Have Something Nice To Say, Don't Say Anything At All" Hence I will be deleting my first post because it was "Mean" to Clary I guess the days of joking on BassResource.com are gone
  10. They are knock off of the rattle snake. Just like a Yum dinger is a knock off of a senko and a Houdni worm is a knock off of a Trick worm. Regardless they both work great. I seen them out preform senko rigged weight less. Can't wait to try them on a shaky head
  11. Why couldn't you guys think of this when I was under 18? How about a contest for college students jk I hope that you get tons of essays or the kids on here don't know what kinda chance their missing.
  12. Ok now lets talk about rod/reel set up. I currently am still trying to find my ideal set up so what do you guys use.
  13. I would suggest Lake Ray Roberts Down here in Texas but seeing that we get snow or rain in March-April you might not want to do that lol. Why not Fork. Should be south enough and the towns around there know how to cater to bass fishermen
  14. Sounds like I just got some bad line, which is funny because I have used 6lb spider wire and loved it. Oh well guess I got duped by the marketing. But it looks like I'll be making the switch to power pro for the heavy stuff. I glad to hear that the sound is normal though. I figured that it was but it never hurts to check first. Thanks guys
  15. Ok so I just put 50lb braid on a brand new rod and reel set up. Just so you know its an Basspro PQ reel and All Star ARS 7'6" heavy rod But it feels like the braid is coming though the guides a little rough making a screeching sound like a bass was ripping off line. It is spiderwire braid so Its not low quality stuff. I checked the guides and they seem to be fine. What is going on? Do I need to put some line conditioner on there or is this normal with dry braid? Will it get fixed when it gets wet?
  16. He looks like Wade Phillips LOL That is some unbelievable hand-eye coordination
  17. Could someone PM me the tutorial? I got a feeling I'm going to want it some time later
  18. Ok I did a search of the forum and found some good stuff but I really want to dive into this. Lets make this thread one to answer all questions about swimming jigs. Alright to start out lets look and the jig itself - What weights do you use? which do you throw most often? - What colors? which do you throw most often - What brand? That will give us a good start. These are my preferences. Color: Black and Blue, Blue gill, and White I throw the blue gill at least 75% of the time. Black and blue is for dirty water and overcast days. White for clear water or when bass are chasing shad Weight: 1/2 oz, 3/8 oz, 1/4 oz I throw a 3/8 oz most of the time. I will throw a 1/2 oz when I am focusing on bigger fish or extremely dirty water. 1/4 oz is for clear water or when I want to get a few more bites. All my swimming jigs are omega except a few 1/2 oz ones. I'm also looking into making my own because I have some ideas about what could make a swimming jig better. Capt.O
  19. That was funny ;D
  20. You good Why don't we end this on a funny note I don't know why but this thread reminded me of this skit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teMlv3ripSM
  21. lol I've only keep talking about it because you guys did. I started it so I guess I'll finish it I have no hard feelings and I hope that its the same for everyone else. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I'll keep mine and you'll keep yours end of story. Thanks Speedbead I'm still in school getting my degree so I will have marketable skills. Good Night Irene
  22. Why are you saying the same thing in different ways. If you're saying that there will be a point when sales starts going down. Well guess what, that happens in Corporate America. It's called the point of diminishing returns, when sales of a product are increasing at a decreasing rate. That's one of the first things you learn in Business school. The company ether introduces a new product or goes out of business. If you are saying that there will come a time when there are too many distributors well guess what that happens in Corporate America to. Why do you think it's so hard to start a successful restaurant? Because it there are thousands of them. Why do you think companies go out of business? Because they get beat by the competition. But guess what people still start businesses and restaurants. Plus the work force always has people entering and leaving. If no one retired then there are no jobs for the kids coming of college. MLM is still subject to the rules of economics and business. And last time I checked the biggest companies have the most people working for them. So yeah the more people involved the more money made. I just believe that MLM has a better way of distributing the money. Everyone has the same opportunity to make money. Its only limited to how hard you are willing to work I'm getting paid to market and sell the company's products. Just like a car salesman is paid to sell cars. We both are preforming activities for a company.
  23. I'm not the one who doesn't know what pyramid scheme looks like. I'm showing how a legit MLM company works. Just because a pyramid scheme looks like MLM doesn't mean all that MLM is a pyramid scheme.
  24. How is that a pyramid scheme if he is under me? This is what it looks like MLM Company Me Person A Person B Person D Person C Person E Person F Person G Person H Remember I sponsored Person A and B. Let's say that in this is MLM company compensation plan looks like this. - First level: Max 2 people, I'll get $1 for each person you sponsor So I have Person A and Person B - Second level: Max 4 people, I get $ .25 for them. (These are the people That A sponsored so they are D and C: Remember I'm getting $.25, A is getting $1 for D and C) - Third level: Max 8 people, I get $.10 for them (These are the people sponsored by D and C, so that means E, F, G, and H) OK so all these rules work the same for everyone. Person A makes only a dollar off of his first level and so on. Let's do the math Me = A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H Me = 1+1+.25+.25+.10+.10+.10+.10 = $2.90 Now let's look at Person A A= C+D+E+F+G+H A= 1+1+.25+.25.+.25+.25 = $3.00 How is that a pyramid scheme? If it was I would be making the most money because I'm at the top right? Now if Person B did the same thing that Person A, it's true that I would be making more than both of them. But that would be because I had more people than both of them. This is a very very very very basic set up but I think it shows what I'm talking about. Now let's look at Corporate America Tackle Shop Owner Manger A Manger B Employee C Employee D Employee E Employee F Ok let's say that this tackle shop makes 1M in revenue Let's look at everyone's yearly salary. - Owner: Unknown - Mangers: 50K each - Employees: 30K Now this company made 1M this year. Salary expense without any over time is $220k So after everyone gets paid the Owner has 780K left to spend as he wishes. I'm not going to get in to calculating taxes and liabilities he has to pay for the company but let's just call net profit 300k. So at the end of the day the Owner makes $300k. He paid 220K for the asset of having people work for him so he made 780k off a 220k investment. It would take a manger making 250K in working over and bonuses to equal what the owner is making. It wouldn't matter if the owner ever came to the shop or talked to a signal customer he still is going to make $300k. So as you can see both these methods look like a pyramid. But only one has all the money going to the top.
  25. Ok guys lets compare MLM against Corporate America and lets see a real where the real pyramid scheme is. Lets look at the structure of a traditional business in Corporate American Owner Mangers Employees Now let me ask you a question. Is it ever possible that in a profitable business that an employee will make more than a manger? Would a manger make more than the owner? The answer is NO! the owner is always going to make more than the mangers who are going to make more money than the employees. Employees and a manager are hired to make the company more profitable. They are assets that the owner can leverage to make him more money.So if he wants to grow he needs people to work for him. So employees and mangers are only getting paid based off of how much money they can be paid will still being profitable to the company. No matter how hard they work they will never make more than the owner. Even if their work makes the company millions of dollars they will never get more than what they were hired for. So all the money goes to the top where it is then distributed to the people according to how much the company thinks they are worth. Sounds like a pyramid scheme to me. The money goes up and only a small portion comes down. Now lets look at MLM. In MLM we are all business owners. Not only that but no matter where you are in the line you have the possibility to make just as much or more money as the guy above you. I mean if I have only sponsored two people but one of them has sponsor four then guess what, he is making more money than me! But the cool thing is that I'm also making money because he is making money. If he keeps sponsoring people and I don't do anything I will keep making money from his work, but this will not be half as much as he's making. He also will make money off of the people he sponsors and they will make money off of the people they sponsor and the chain goes on. So does some of the money go up. A portion does but the majority stays down for the people that worked for it. The guy above me doesn't write the check he just receives a small portion of what I make just like I do from the people below me. So the money doesn't go up and then comes down. Instead a small portion goes up and the rest stays down. Also only a certain amount of money can go up. They guy above me only makes money off of my people to a certain level and its the same way with me. I'm not going to go into more detail because each company is structured differently but that is the basics. So where is the real pyramid scheme?
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