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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. I did them for a little while but my favorite is athleanx, I've dropped about 26 lbs since the start of the semester with it. Capt.O
  2. Um unless you are worried about the moving expense why would you be worried because you have horses? Dude this is Texas we have horse ranches bigger than some states! Seriously the two things every Texan knows how do drive is a truck and a horse. If you don't want to haul'em down sell them and buy some when you get here. There are plenty of areas close to the cities that have enough property to keep two horses.] Now if you had two penguins or a giant ice sculpture you can't live without then yeah that would be a curve ball. Wouldn't loose any sleep over horses.LOL Capt.O
  3. In Texas coyote and hogs are all year round. And I hear from my buddies that there a few areas along the Oklahoma border are over run with white tail. x1,000,000,000,000 to this statement only I'm more like 15 min away Capt.O
  4. I vote the DFW area or one of its surrounding city's listed below. Frisco - ESPN listed it as the best place to raise an athlete and its kinda a cool up and coming place. Lewisville - Not a bad place to live and there is always Lake Lewisville. Flower Mound - I use to live around that area and its not to bad. Denton - Yes it is a college town but its growing up fast and personally I like it. Then again I'm a bias college senior attending UNT. Mckinny - Just got voted as one of the top places to live in the whole country. Those are just some ideas to help narrow your search down a little bit. You can also do what my family did and buy some property out of the city and move out in the country. Yes there are no stores and you are at least 15 away from the closest town. That being said I wouldn't trade living in the country for all the shopping and night life in the world! Just my $0.02 good luck finding a place and hope you get here fast! Capt.O
  5. You know I think I do a dang fine job at my work and I deserve and early lunch break. My boss just complimented me! Capt.O
  6. If your listening to Taylor Swift your either a teenage girl or a man who is seriously lacking some equipment below the waist. Note I'm talking about her music here if you like her for other reasons then fine but I would be concerned if I saw a grown man rocking to "We Are Never Getting Back Together". I respect her as a song writer but after that she really is starting to get annoying. I don't have that much of a problem with Keith Urban. He isn't like Tim & Kenny wearing cowboy hats and pretending like they would be just as at ease riding a horse all day. Keith Urban gets slotted as "country" but I think he along with most people understand that he is a rocker with a country twang. Capt.O
  7. You need to invest in the trunk monkey
  8. Eli Young Band and Reckless Kelly and King George is the only way to roll!!! As for the newer stuff I have to admit that I have lost my taste for most of it I do like guys like Eric Church and Brantley Gilbert they seem to have a good mix of the new and the old.
  9. If my boy Romo had 1 ring I'd put him on here but oh well 1. Brady 2. Drew Brees 3. Peyton Manning - I would have him at #2 but with missing a year loses a spot 4. Being a cowboys fans I'm not going put a name here but he plays for those N.Y. Midgets 5. Rogers 6. Romo
  10. Traveler2586 you are a wise young man! Capt.O
  11. I'll take the W 1 more for Americas team. Capt.O
  12. Yes its preseason and yes I really do care more about the Rangers vs. Yankees game but hey its football Let the trash talking begin!!! Tonight Cowboys vs. Raiders prepare to watch your team get destroyed. I'll be watching. Capt.O
  13. Texas!!! Why? Living reasons. - The money is here and the cost of living is pretty low. - People are friendly - Great sports teams - Big state means lots of room for everyone you don't live on top of each other - Women are beautiful and there is a lot of them. - Great food - To many more.... Fishing Reasons - We have the most coast on the gulf. - Year round fishing, something you don't have up north - Choose your species, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass (yes we have them), strip bass, white bass, black or white crappies, blue gills, several types of catfish ,gar, and trout (in the gulf). - Again there are just to many reasons to list Texas is the best fishing state period. Capt.O
  14. I've lived closed to Texoma most of my life but I've never fished for Black bass there. Word on the street is that the zebra muscles and algae bloom have really done a number on the shad population. From what I've heard if you can find some wood cover or grass you can usually catch either black or smallmouth. I'm sure you can find some old tournament reports to help you out also. If your putting a boat in the lake please make sure your wash it off and dry it really well because we don't need zebra muscles anywhere else.Next time you fish in this part of the state you should go to Lake Ray Roberts still one of the best black bass fisheries in the state. Good Luck Capt.O
  15. I will use tungsten for C-rigs for the feel. But anything under 3/4 is lead Capt.O
  16. I hate FB but you pretty much have to have it in college or else. I'm not friends on with anyone on FB who I don't know personally and I have denied more friendship requests than accepted them. Personally for me once I get in a relationship her being friends with any ex-boyfriends is out of the question. It just causes problems that don't need to be there. This is another reason why I am staying out of relationships while in college. Because in college you tend to share friends so if there is a breakup its like people start choosing sides and its just a mess. Capt.O
  17. The zoom bait is great
  18. Just got my order and all I can say is WOW these things look great!! And the Black Light Green Pumpkin skirt is going to be killer around here. ( sorry about the bad lighting) I'm going to be using the Elite Jig Head (widegap) for a prototype swim jig so more on that later. I'm defiantly going to be a regular customer. Capt.O
  19. Nice to hear from you man good luck at school. BTW stay away from the skirts they are mind ninjas LOL Capt.O
  20. What length, action, and power rod do you use for hard topwater baits. I plan on this rod being able to handle the following baits,crankbait style wake baits, spooks,poppers, and prop baits. Thanks Capt.O
  21. My Falcon Bucoo 7'M rod has a moderate bend and I can feel it everything the bait is doing just fine.
  22. What are these never heard of them? LOL just kidding with you man. X2 to everything Sam said Capt.O
  23. The problem with most of the good looking newer models is that they are either way to stuck up or they are way to much of a party animal. Not to mention that most of them don't like fishing BTW here is my check list LOL! Capt.O
  24. There are just those baits that have the "it" factor. Glad you found it man! Capt.O
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