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  1. slonezp's post in Fishing License Question. was marked as the answer   
    It expires at midnight tomorrow
  2. slonezp's post in Two 10" garmin ultra or one 12" for kayak? was marked as the answer   
    You can do what you want with one graph. It's much easier to do with multiple graphs. If you have the money for 2 graphs, I don't see the issue. 
  3. slonezp's post in Wiring Through Hull was marked as the answer   
    Google boat escutcheon and you might find something that will work
  4. slonezp's post in Another interesting ramp photo was marked as the answer   
    It's Tennessee. No explanation is necessary.
  5. slonezp's post in Gin and tonic.. was marked as the answer   
    If I recall, @Jigfishn10 is the BR expert on the subject. 
  6. slonezp's post in Side Imaging - Left side image and prop distortion was marked as the answer   
    Yes it's normal. If the motor is trimmed down blocking the transducer you end up getting a reflection of what's on the right side only darker. Trim up the motor or get a 2nd transducer for the port side and a Y connector.
  7. slonezp's post in Free lures was marked as the answer   
    Get a job
  8. slonezp's post in Battery Charger Question? was marked as the answer   
  9. slonezp's post in Faint Ticking From Trolling Motor was marked as the answer   
    You can pull the prop off and check for line. The prop nut and washer come off, then pull the prop. Behind the prop thru the prop shaft is the shear pin. It's about an 1" or so long.(I keep spares on the boat because if the prop smacks into a rock it could bend the shear pin and cause excessive vibration)Make sure there is no line or weeds wound up on the shaft. Put it back together the same way you took it off
  10. slonezp's post in Post "likes" was marked as the answer   
    Send me a list of posts you like. I'll like them for you in the interim. Once yours are replenished I will unlike said threads. Easy peasy ladle wielding japanesey.
  11. slonezp's post in Everything Must Be Fishing Related... was marked as the answer   
    Now that we ruined Marks thread...
  12. slonezp's post in Protecting An Investment was marked as the answer   
    So what products did you find?
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