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Everything posted by slonezp

  1. Bluegill or watermelon colored flukes and wacky worms shallow Cranks, color depends on clarity and temp Jigs dark colored Lake Michigan smallies get craw, gobie patterns or white Every year buy new or different baits to try and end up falling back on the tried and true baits. I just can't help spending money when I go lure shopping. Funny how I look at a lure and think to mysel "If I were a fish I'd eat that" yet I have a few tackel boxes full of lures I've used once or twice and retired
  2. A push broom in Lake Michigan and a dead duck in Lake Guntersville
  3. How long do you stay in a certain area when tournament fishing? I've been fishing tournaments in northern Illinois for the past few years on a body of water I'm pretty familiar with. I have approx 15-20 spots that normally hold fish. My son and I are pretty consistant at finishing in the top 1/3 but never abel to get "in the money." I always wonder if I'm spending too much or too little time at each spot. Average fish on this lake system is 2-3 lbs with a 5lb being huge.
  4. slonezp


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