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Everything posted by slonezp

  1. Just throwing this out there. I'm related/not related to a guy that does custom and restorations on amps. Family is divorced but still family. https://amprestoration.com/
  2. Somethingorother Christine or Christine somethingorother is the most popular boat name in history ever. My somethingorother is named Christine and she ain't all that. Good thing I ain't all that either.
  3. Dad is 83 and still fishing. I'll leave it at that.
  4. Who needs indoor plumbing when you've got Depends?
  5. There's a boat on my home water called The Enema Bandit. Look it up. Frank Zappa wrote a song about the Enema Bandit
  6. Your name Ahab? There's a pizza joint in Chicago name Pequod's. Voted 2nd best pizza in the United States. Dare I say I've had better... My boats, with the exception of my first, were all named "Sleep'n With the Fishes". The first was named One More Mile after a Muddy Waters song. Boat had the Johnson VRO system and the d**n thing was always breaking down. The only fix was to disable the VRO and premix the oil and fuel.
  7. Man is a parasite, the earth is our host, and fossil fuels will always be at the forefront of everything in our lives, no matter how badly certain individuals want to squash that.
  8. We're talking about 2 systems working in synch. While I have zero experience in the fossil fuel and hydrogen industries, I have experience in refrigeration. Cascade refrigeration uses one refrigeration circuit to make a second refrigeration circuit operate in a way it couldn't have, were it not for the first circuit. My thoughts are What about an on demand hydrogen generator? What if one could build a hydrogen generator, that works on FF? For *** and giggles. A hydrogen powered outboard with a fuel supply only limited by the on demand generator? Most average sized pleasure and fishing boats, with outboards, get 2-4MPG at cruising speed. Let's say you have a 25' center console fishing boat with a 100gal fuel tank. You currently get 300 miles on a full tank of good ol' gasoline. What if you can get 400 or 500 or 600 miles or more from the same 100 gallons of FF if you were using hydrogen? Radiators work on urine not motors A redneck version
  9. The only advantage the computer has, is the GPS. It knows if there's a traffic accident or whatnot going on. It cannot take into account every day delays or occurrence's and common sense. Logic requires reason. AI cannot reason.
  10. Not sure what that is. 12vdc? Maybe a single cylinder gas engine? If 5 gal of gas can create hydrogen power, for a V8 motor, at a fraction of the amount it would cost to create gasoline power. And, I'm just speculating. An educated estimate on boat MPG, is 2-4MPG. What if you could raise it to 20MPG using a hydrogen generator?
  11. Funny you mention this. After the UPS contract renewal, my UPS guy lost his route. AI plots their routes now and, rather than having a single UPS driver, I get 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 drivers a week based on AI. AI determines what route the packages get loaded on. I don't know if this is working for UPS. The drivers are complaining AND, I can no longer tell my driver "Can you come by early tomorrow, my customer needs this part asap.
  12. Global warming aside. Advancements in mechanical technology are what I'm suggesting here. This innovation could eventually lead to a hydrogen generator (which already exists) to be compact and low cost to be installed in a boat. The boat could create fuel on demand. A "Hold my beer" moment
  13. You thinking putting a nuclear reactor in the hull of a 20' bass boat?
  14. Pretty cool stuff. https://newatlas.com/marine/yamahas-hydrogen-outboard-boat-prototype/
  15. I hope that's not a selfie....
  16. The problem is not gun violence, as some would like us to believe. Gun violence does not exist.
  17. How I heard this, and it will get censored by the site, When you have one foot in yesterday and the other foot in tomorrow, you tick all over today.
  18. Did anyone try to go after the uninsured boater?
  19. RIB boat Rigid Inflatable. Got a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
  20. Do yourself a favor and pay more now for a custom cover, Sunbrella material or equivalent/better.
  21. One of the worst drinks I have ever had. I'll enjoy my beer and Bloody Mary's in separate glasses.
  22. Little bit of a drive for you. 2 weeks from now https://www.lcfairgrounds.com/craftbeerfest
  23. I don't live that far west. The track is/was about an hour and fifteen minutes from me. It closed its doors forever after last years season. Got sold to a developer. As far as giving Illinois a bad reputation, the people that run the state as well as Chicago have it covered.
  24. When i had my boat I used Markell. Agreed value policy.
  25. Here's boat races at the same track
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