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slonezp last won the day on May 13 2022

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About slonezp

  • Birthday 01/19/1970

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Wandering Aimlessly

  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Anywhere I can drop a line.

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Community Answers

  1. And @Glenn I don't care one way or another anymore. Keep me, get rid of me, whatever. There's more to life than BR.
  2. Ask @Glenn for a dedicated food thread. I've done it before and it fell on deaf ears. I posted a recipe in this thread and it was removed and I got a time out. Well deserved time out as I broke the rules. Most normal folks don't post recipes for Haitian cats, I did. Sorry. Let's move on. That being said, I think a recipe/cooking/bbq thread should have a dedicated thread. We have a thread for the Super Bowl every year and not everyone follows football or the SB but, they get their say so.
  3. Not one of the recalls?
  4. I have to work tomorrow, otherwise I'd ask to tag along.
  5. Anyone see how horribly shallow the Fox up north since they removed the C'ville dam? Gotta love the environmentalists destroying a good inland smallie factory.
  6. slonezp


    The scope showed up a month ago. The scope rings that came with the Mini 14 were 1" and the scope is 30mm. Ruger swapped the rings for free and they showed up today. Now I have to find time to get it sighted in
  7. I had no idea LOL. Still looks creepy
  8. That's just plain creepy LOL
  9. The authorities? Aren't they the ones who are supposed to protect us?
  10. slonezp


    I can but they do not sell rifles in IL with anything bigger than 5. Can do 10 in a rifle and 15+1 in a pistol
  11. slonezp


    50 round mag LOL. In IL comes with a 5 round mag. That's it. Any more and I'm a felon.
  12. slonezp


    I got the scope today. The rings that came with the rifle are for a 1" scope and this one is 30mm. I sent an email to Ruger about swapping them out. They allegedly will do this. Got a call into Primary Arms as well. If they have rings that will work with the Mini 14, I'll probably go with them.
  13. Look up Golden Salt on YT. BR doesn't like the link I guess
  14. I had a custom cover made for my Lund after the factory cover dry rotted in 4 years. The custom cover was still like new 6 years later when I sold the boat. Lund was stored outdoors year round. The guy who made the cover, his main gig was custom car interiors.
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