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Everything posted by SirSnookalot

  1. You're right, all the details weren't listed.
  2. ciclids do fight pretty hard IMO bettrer than a peacock, peas are over rated but a real fun fish to catch sight fishing.. med terramer, coud have been a small jack or small tarpon. even a small snook would be like catching bass.
  3. depends. Offshore always, too hard to gaff or net s good sized fish alone. inshore or freshwater I prefer alone.
  4. I wouldn't use ul for anyhting in the surf, let alone shark.
  5. This would be my appoach. IN my single days i had both a social imgage and buisness image. My hair and beard were trimmed at a salon, along with massage and manicure. I went usually every other Friday afternoon. I keep in short now so I do it myself, one of my neighbors is hair dresser, she comes over to cut my hair.
  6. yesterday was tough, goin thru it being awwke, I was in pain ll night. Did mangage tosleep a litlle and i fell better now. ai'm buzzed so i't's hard to type. friday i go for my 1 st radiation treatment. I read the snook are runnuning hard, i need to get out there, doubt I could anyhing over 10# now, have to be content with smaller fish till i get my strenght back.
  7. Went in for a biopsy on my back yesterday, the decision was made for surgery as well. They could not put me asleep, however they tried. Pain.....wow, and I still have it. Got off the recovery bed and went home, had enough of the hospital. My pain meds helping little, at least I have the PGA on an my phone at hand......lol. Hopefully I start treatment very soon.
  8. Pfluegers are the most worry free reels I use, even the ones I use in saltwater. Pfluegers, plain and simple excel as a bass reel, regardless of price. They're pretty smooth, the drag works well, they give many years of worry free usage, especially used in an environment that's isn't overly harsh on equipment. When it comes to pitting one reel against another, it boils down to personal preference.
  9. October is about the best fishing month down here, can't say the mullet will still be running that late. The duration and intensity does vary year to year. I salt water fish every day year round, quite familiar with most of the beaches between Jap Rock and Hobe sound. I live 5 minutes from Lake Ida and target peacocks quite a bit, fishing from shore I like the canals better for peas, especially near bridges and culverts. Since you'll be in WPB I'd be heading north towards Hobe sound and Juno, lots of free parking right off the beach, one of the better fishing areas, may even get redfish and take your flyrod for sure. Jap rock is a pretty fare drive form WPB, there are parking meters now on Spanish River rd. It can be a very good beach but more hit and miss than further north. A very good spot is crossing over the Flager bridge into Palm Beach, you can park off the walking and bike path along side the ICW, that's area is noted for 20-40# jacks, I can attest to that. October is about the best time for inshore fishing in South Florida.
  10. I've been married a long time myself. My wife was never a golfer or fisher person, despite all the time I spent in those activities my marriage was never affected. Either you have a good marriage or you don't. My wife takes classes, goes to lectures, being an avid reader she goes to book review clubs, she's happy I don't go with her, and I'm happy she doesn't fish with me.
  11. Glad it worked out, toothaches can be some really bad pain.
  12. Don't know why it wouldn't be legal. BR covers the country and the responses will be from people living in states other than your own, those replies may not apply to where you live. A phonecall or google one's own state licensing agency should yield the right answer.
  13. Bass or otherwise, nothing beats know how and location. Expensive gear may be more fun to use, it does wonders bolstering one's ego leading them to a false sense fishing superiority. But if those lures are casted in the wrong place, it's all for naught. A $30 off the shelf combo can and will catch lots of fish, providing you put the bait or lure where it should be and work it properly. The cheap outfit may be a better tool to learn on, catch fish with and them and fish should just jump all over an $800 rig. The fact is they don't, you still have to find them and entice them, that's the fisherman not the gear.
  14. What does pain killers have to do with internet shopping? If any thing pain killers should be relieving some of the pain putting one in a more rational state to make sensible purchases. Being rational is not about pain killers, it's about getting the problem taken care of ASAP.
  15. Don't know what the problem is. I have never seen with dozens and dozens of spinning outfits line jumping up hitting the rod shaft. Started off with 14#, if anything would be a coiling problem. Even if it is doing this, do you know it's hurting performance, you haven't landed a fish or even used it to fish with. Test it in real time, you may not even have a problem.
  16. I seldom watch any fishing show. I know I don't catch fish cast after cast like they do on tv, I'd like to be learning how to fish the type of waters I do. Even saltwater, The times I go with a charter my captain is the expert, he sets up just about everything, a tv show becomes only entertainment not a learning experience. IMO these shows do not depict real life fishing, understandable to edit out the scores of casts that don't get a strike.
  17. The rod has to be able to handle the lure weight, however power is a different issue. There are heavy power rods that handle up to 3 oz and other heavy power rods that will handle heavier lures. Being a spinning user heavy rods don't appeal to me for bass fishing. If I were to try it I may consider an 8-10' surf rod providing there is room for the backcast. Surf rods are designed to cast heavier weighted lures a good distance. Many 8' med surf rods handle up to 4 oz, and other lengths and powers handle more.
  18. This is a problem that is not too common, you experimented and still no solution. A spinning reel on a spinning rod is as uncomplicated as it gets. On line diagnosis is difficult and confusing with out some one actually seeing what's going one. Return both rod and reel if you can and start from scratch, I don't believe brand or models of equipment or line type have any thing to do with this. As they say "it's just one of those things".................move on.
  19. With all due respect if I were in that much pain I'd find a dentist that could take me right away, any additional expense is secondary to pain and the danger of an abscess. 2-3 weeks can hardly be called emergency. Don't know what normal prices are in your area, my wife recently had a root canal and crown, some where around $2000 in south Florida. Waiting time for the crown maybe 3 weeks or so, but a temp is really not a big deal. I had warning signs but no pain, I wanted to nip it in the bud plus I had more to do than 1 root canal and crown. My root canal was done in 1 session, the permanent crown a couple of days later. It would be pointless to say how much you can save if your in pain now, you need to the pain alleviated right away.
  20. If a small trion works fine no reason a standard 2500 bass real shouldn't. Try the reel on another rod, if it's good and I think it will be, just return the existing and get another.
  21. I have a beard since 1975, took it off twice each time for about 4 months then grew it back. I keep mine trimmed and the neck is always shaved, groomed no different than grooming the hair on my head, which I have far less these days.
  22. Believe me I feel for you. I've had over $18,000 in periodontal work about 5 years, bone graffs, sinus lifts, teeth pulled etc. I thought I was done, well I wasn't. Starting having problems with my teeth, this time I took a completely different tack, I had referrals or I wouldn't have done this. I went to Los Algondones, Mexico June 28 for some extensive work, could not have been more pleased with quality of work, speed and price (about 1/3 of American prices). In the western part of the country and in Canada going to Mexico is very popular, thousands of people go yearly. There will always be naysayers, those are the ones that have never been. Many of the dentists and lab techs have been trained in the United States, I would not go any where else ever again. I did some fishing while I was there too. http://molarcity.com/losalgodonesphoto.php
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