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Everything posted by SirSnookalot

  1. I've used senkos as well as knockoffs, all pretty much he same to me. I may use them only a few times a year, that brand of fishing doesn't excite me. A senko type bait is used only in emergency situation to avoid being skunked. If one is spending lot of money on their rod, reel and line why get cheap for a few bucks if you think the more expensive brand will work better for you. The object of the exercise is to catch fish.
  2. It's all a process, I have a tumor on L3, lucky for me it's far enough away from my spinal cord. What was done to me was cement to heal my fracture. I had never heard of that, but I discovered it's a common procedure for my situation. I still have lots of pain shooting down my leg. Yesterday I had a consultation with the radiologist (start thearapy Monday) day by day I should feel better so he said. Doc said I was good to go when I felt up to it, I'll fish nice and easy the next few days, won't over do it.
  3. Easy rod to find in the inshore section. I may have a dozen that would fit the bill. Many 8/17 medium inshore rods are 1/4- 3/4 lure 7-8' in length. Star, Redbone, Tsunami, Penn, Daiwa, Okuma cedros and others, brand up to you.
  4. I use spinning rods for everything. I prefer mf or fast tipped, my individual choice.
  5. LIne pick..............or flatten down the barb on a long shank hook.
  6. Planning on fishing today from the bank, not strong enough to tackle the surf but that's where I'd rather go.
  7. Be prepared before you go. The only phone app I use is for the stock market or a news feed.
  8. Been on a 4 week break, not self imposed. I just might go do some lite duty bank fishing today.
  9. I highly doubt the fee is always reported. My business was basically a s/e cash operation. In any business cash or otherwise, the future of it depends on the quality of service being provided. How uncle Sam or the state is dealt with at tax time isn't pertinent whether a tip is merited.
  10. A word often used in discussions is confidence. If I catch nice fish with an xyz lure or this rod and reel combo, what I have is a coincidence. The timing of casting in the right spot at the right time just lined up perfectly. Why do we not catch a 10# bass every time we go, the 1 pounder just got to the lure faster. If using a $20 lure with a $400 rod, then another 300 bucks for reel( don't forget some super duper line, which is a must of course) was a guarantee of better quality fish, based on that thinking one should break their personal best every time they go fishing.
  11. Spinning will cure your problem. A finese lure is nothing but a light lure. I catch quite a few juvie tarpon casting (30#fish)-1/4 oz bucktails with med or mh rods. I have no idea what a fineses reel is.
  12. I'm with you. I probably have seen more die from being gut hooked or too long a fight, I've yet to see a fish go belly up from a 60 second or less fight, they swim off pretty frisky.
  13. Under my normal conditions, I get about midnight do my homework and try to get to my spot about an hour before daybreak. Being 70 myself,the older I get the earlier I rise.
  14. The rod casts the lure, the reel reels it in. I have quite a few mh rods for exmple, I overload all of them, the number on the rod is only a guideline underloading isn't a problem either, the od loads or it doesn't. One of the few times where the reel should be concerned is having a fish on the line than can pull more drag than your reel has. Easily combated by tiring the fish with your drag or palming the spool to increase the drag, be careful of this that's when knots can break or the line can snap, an acquired talent thru practice.
  15. Where are you that would make you think snapper. Lots and lots of variety in the snapper family. Small ones like a lane or mangrove, I've caught red, and margate snapper surpassing 20#, cubera snapper hit 100#
  16. Your fee includes the tip, does the guide refund any money for an outing where he didn't produce? I have been on charters, no fish no pay. If the outing was outstanding in your eyes, I would give a tip, which I usually do. Seldom have I not given a tip.
  17. I do quite a bit of pond fishing in my communtity ponds (some golf course) bass up to about 25" not uncommon, I use light power spinning or ul with a storm chug abug. I would catch more with a senko but don't care to fish them.
  18. I have quite a few reels that are 5-10 years old, only used saltwater, they all still work very good. I only use spinning, If I were to use a b/c I'd want a longer cranking handle like the hogtechs. I have replaced some odf my spinnin handles with longer ones, the difference in cranking is night and day.
  19. The main thing I concern myself with spinning gear is corrosion. All of them seem to be pretty smooth and drags operate just fine to handle sub 10# fish, not all 10 pounders are created equal.
  20. I do both, generally start off with knot, there are times when I need fresh leader, I can tie to a swivel under moonlite a lot easier. Fisher makes a 100# swivel so small it will pass thru the guides quite easily, I threw them away.
  21. No species of fish are turned on 24/7....365. Many factors why and most have to do with mother nature. A good rule of thumb, if you're not catching them you're not finding them. Need to try different times of the day or other locations. The majority of my bass fishing is done with no more than 4-5 lures.
  22. Being on a bass forum isn't any different than a trout,stripper of smb forum, many of those members feel they have the toughest most battling fish to contend with, best gear is a must. Some people try to be "pc" no wanting to hurt some one's feeling. Seeing post of a 2# bass with declaration of it hiitting like a freight train in my neck of the woods is laughable, then sayiing it REQUIRED an $800 oufit to find it, then land it just adds to the non sense of it all. Collecting is fine but more fun? Any fish I catch even a 10 pound ain't no big deal if standing in one spot not having to run it down on foot 100yds or more.......that's fun! That fish can easily be handled on a $50 reel ans sub $100 rod, done that many times, actually that's what I"M looking to catch. I not only fish for bass ( I do enjoy it) but many other species too, as my friends do. I get confused with the problems catching bass, my saltwater fishing mates don't discuss problems, mainly because our junk handles what fish we catch, knots other than the FG hold just fine, lines don't break, nor do hooks get straightened out. Locating fish and landing them are a result of expertise, not better rods and reel, the real fun is catching fish. I personally measure my succsess by how much fun I"m having, not by the size.
  23. Big diference in fly fishing the surf and a ul set up. The surf is my domain, if a dogfish is that inept of a fighter why would it be a target species? I'm fairly skilled at handling some pretty hefty fish off he beach, i wouldn't use a ul for 5# blufish, let alone some tougher fish lke a juvie tarpon.
  24. I'd like to see the video
  25. Appreciate the well wishes. Once I'm done being "LOOPY" from pills,dont want to drive. i' m goiing peacock fishing, nice and easy. Being cooped up is the worse part. Tougher on my wife than me.
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