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Everything posted by SirSnookalot

  1. I have 3 of them in service well over 5 years, there good freshwater reels.
  2. Not surprise to Florida fisherman either. There are times when you can't buy a crappie jig, just sold out every where. It is one of the best lures for spanish mackerel, small jacks up to 2-3 #, snook are caught on them (while fishing for something else), they excel for peacock bass and blue tilapia. I've caught many bass with them, 5# not out of the question.
  3. I had Dish when I was in Michigan, winds and rain and tv cutting in and out. We have more and stronger wind here in Florida, I'm happy with Comcast.
  4. I agree about relating to a few people that you have faith in their opinion. My list is short, 2 (was 3 but BassnBlvd been gone a while) people that fish for the same fish with similar techniques and lures that I use. Real time is more significant if you can use a friends rod. No recommendation over shadows my own due diligence.
  5. What's relevant is the knot, not the species of fish. Like many knots it can be tied with various line and leader diameters. 20# braid with a 10# leader is no problem, as with any knot if tied wrong it can be mangled. There have been several knots mentioned, I don't recall any one saying which one was best but stating their preferences, the Jose knot is just another option. The criticism appears to stem from a knot never being used or tried without tying it properly. A pretty good time to say "Goodnight" on this one.
  6. Why my response was deleted is a mystery, possibly a mistake as there wasn't a policy infringement. Many posts stray away from the OP, hardly deviation as some may find it beneficial. A good knot that fails obviously wasn't a very good knot, knots tied correctly should not fail. The knot in question is not mangled as shown in the video, hard to imagine an expert like Jose demonstrating how to tie and knot and doing it improperly. Tying this knot correctly does not make a difference using a mono or FC leader, I've used it many times with FC for line shy species. As an update to re-affirm my opinion I tied it up on a typical bass set up for me, 10# braid and 10# leader. Fished it 2 days and it was flawless from a strength standpoint, never felt the knot going thru the guides. As with any knot, use the one that you have confidence in.
  7. My pliers is always on my person usually in a sheath, don't have to look for it.
  8. Even when I spool up mono I still put a strip of tape on first, just a habit I got into. When affixing the braid to the spool a knot isn't really needed, a second strip of tape over the line (sandwiching the line) will work fine. I mostly tie but I do get lazy sometimes, I've seen no difference as far as slipping goes.
  9. I agree. My inshore reels are 15 & 20#, freshwater 10 &15#.
  10. A strip of tape on the spool will prevent slipping.
  11. Everyone has certain criteria they expect of lines. My criteria is pretty basic, knots being secure and the line having enough strength to pull a fish in. Being mainly a braid user, I've tried both 4 and 8 carrier lines, I'm more than content with 4 carrier and have no problem with line management. Co poly and mono lines are bit different, there is a stretch factor that can vary, they're may be a diameter difference from 1 brand to another.
  12. Fishing with a smaller spinning reel the backing size doesn't make difference, however since the reels don't hold that much line I don't use backing. Fishing for species that can spool a reel, I prefer not to use backing but I will add to the existing braid when I get low. With people always saying how long braid lasts, it's very affordable in the long run, why even use backing?
  13. Don't come to Florida.
  14. All stainless steel isn't the same, literally hundreds of different alloys. Some rust some don't, some are magnetic and some are not. I've been thru carbon steel, stainless, aluminium and titanium. I live 8 miles from the coast but the majority of my fishing is done in saltwater. After owning about 6 pairs of pliers with braid cutters, not a one is still in service, either the cutters don't cut or they broke. I having been using a pair bought at Walmart for $1.88, they're no longer shiny but still cut line and slim enough to push into my belt. I've been using them in freshwater going on 4 years or so. I've spent petty good money on saltwater pliers, for the last year or 2 I've been buying at Harbor Freight for about $4.00. Discolored for sure, still operate just fine and if they fail they happen to have lifetime replacement.
  15. 7' med 8/17 line, 3/8-3/4 lure, just like most other medium rods. I have 2 of them one is a calico jack the other a hurricane redbone, the CJ has a little softer tip. As the rod is kept perfectly straight and doesn't flex, it's the knot that holds the fish not the rod, I fish with m/l and can do the same thing.
  16. You just hit on the key difference, I'm not scared. Big or small it's only fish, the landing so often is anti- climatic, for me the thrill is the only thing that counts. A knot should be the last of your concerns, big fish are lost because people get intimidated so much they horse a fish in, putting it on a scale or taking pic seems to over ride enjoying the moment. I don't care if lose a fish and don't even give it a second thought, no one lands them all.
  17. Considering the fact the fish are wet whether it's raining or not. Only factor I'd be looking at is the water clarity, if rain or wind has not muddied up the water.
  18. Being a spinning man I'm using what I always use when fishing high banked canals, 15# braid and 7' medium rod. I would use a heavier rod if my lures were heavier. Pretty common vegetation for me.
  19. The problem with any forum are too many conflicting opinions, I'll add to the confusion. What is the point of FC, if it's for abrasion resistance or stealth, I see the need only for a FC leader and not an entire spool. Personally I do not use FC for bass fishing, mono leaders work for me. I do use FC leaders for some exceptionally line shy fish. That said my fishing partner didn't use f/c leaders and our catch rates were about the same, every Saturday for about 5 years. The best answers come from our own experimentation.
  20. Fished there many times. I don't fish the spillway as often as I used to because of having to walk down on the rock, but younger guys do. The best time to fish it is when the gates are open, big snook, jacks and tarpon come to feed. I would suggest the south side as one of the residents lets his 2 big dogs out about 5-6 in morning on the north, they scared the crap out of me more than once. You may want to use this site to check out the gates, the c-15 is s40 http://www.sfwmd.gov/portal/pls/portal/realtime.pkg_rr.proc_rr?p_op=WEST_PALM_BEACH The El Rio connects into the c-15 so there are peacocks there too on the fresh water side of the spillway.
  21. I have only seen it sold at Walmart, I've had 10# on a size 30 spinning reel with no backing. The line has been flawless with about 3 months of near daily use. I have recently spooled up a couple of reels with 20#, the management has been what I expected but I have not caught any 40-50" fish on it yet. I don't anticipate any problem with strength as my drag obvious isn't any where near 20#.
  22. The video is great and from a well respected angler, want isn't so great is giving an opinion without first trying it. As said in the video he often uses 20# mono, that day he was using 30, the braid although not mentioned is probably 15# or so. As quoted above there is no mangling the knot is perfectly neat and spiraled. The knot is not big and it's strong, this I can attest to as I have used it many times. I see no recipe for failure while bass fishing with this knot, although I don't use it for bass myself. This was merely a suggestion for people that were asking about strong knots, and this one fits that bill.
  23. True the reality is that most people do not have a very high percentage of strikes per cast. It's still either you get a strike or you don't and that puts the odds at 50/50. I'm quite sure you have caught a fish on every single cast, or 2 catch fish on 1 cast, or get a strike and lose the fish and get second strike before you have reeled in. I have done those three scenarios dozens upon dozens of times.
  24. Depends on the mainline and leaders I'm using. If I'm using 15 or 20# braid with 30# leader I go 7 wraps up and zero down, 20# leader or less than 8 wraps up and zero down. If I'm bass fishing I don't put a loop on the mainline and do wrap the braid over the leader, but still 7 or 8 wraps up and zero down.
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