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Everything posted by SirSnookalot

  1. Not worried about bass being turned off, there to relax and enjoy myself. 1. Won't stay home. 2. Won't over complicate having the right rod, reel, line, lure, etc etc, the fish don't care, why should I. 3. Given enough time the odds usually turn in my favor, getting skunked is rarer than catching fish.
  2. Yeh 87k is a ton of money, but the market will probably bear it. That 87k is most likely more affordable to the people in attendance than 90 bucks is to many middle class families.
  3. I haven't been following boxing for about 20 years, not partial to either of the combatants. I've seen fights closed circuit, sat in the stadium stands, ring side seats and on the apron for championship fights held in Detroit. $90 IMO is not expensive to view the fight in the comfort of your home, actually you'll see the fight better, but nothing like the excitement of being there. I can still remember Tommy Hearns taking the title from Pipino Cuevas, the electricity when a hometown guy wins the title in his home stadium was awesome.
  4. My #1 choice as well, bass jump all over them, I've been catching quite few over 18-20" on them. How deep is the pond and what's the vegetation like? I would also have with me flukes, they can be fished as a topwater or further down in the water column, can't go wrong with senko. I wouldn't take any thing else.
  5. I don't think the reel is too big given the fact it will be used for different species. No question about it, lots of line capacity which can't hurt you. I probably would spool it up with braid.
  6. I have an app that allows me to find my car in a parking lot, being old I can't figure out how to use it.
  7. I had really given thought to removing the peacock pictures, deceptive as my arms were a bit stretched out and my shoulder turned to the camera. Maybe I can catch it again and take a more realistic pic, now I have a goal, haha. I really enjoy catching both species, for pure fight and size it's barracuda, just something about hunting peas that I love. Well I actually love catch any species. The cuda was caught on one of my homemade cuda tubes and the peacock hit a chrome Rapala flat rap which has become one of my favorites for them. When I sight cast for them my go to lure is a marabou jig.
  8. I've been skunked many times inshore, even with a guide or just caught very few. Baitfish is the catalyst, no bait no fish. This time of the year the bait starts to show up, all goes well you should catch some fish.
  9. Nice looking skiff for inshore use. Boynton area a bit slow, did come off hot jack streak but that's ended. Catching a few snook on artis but only on the outgoing. Cuda have been pretty good on the tide change, I did hook my first tarpon in a while the other day, didn't land it.
  10. Been some barracuda around, 8 had strikes landed 3 this morning right at tide change. Can't seem to get motivated to drive 45 miles each way for peacocks, glad we have them local.
  11. I wonder how much a plate of sushi costs at that restaurant. Roughly $3500 per lb on a near 500lb. fish, before it's cleaned and prepared.
  12. Same glasses with different cars tells me the difference is the glass used in the LCD display.
  13. What makes them so good ? My rings don't pull apart, designed for saltwater just like the Owners and are heck of lot cheaper.
  14. I'm ordering split rings today along with some other items for my barracuda tubes. I buy from Terminal Tackle, 40# 100 for $3.65, been using them for years. I have bought both smaller and larger rings from them, they're Roscos and are just fine.
  15. I agree and see no confusion. I know what the lure weighs and the rod I need to handle it. Actually I catch more fish over 20# using a jerk shad on a jig head or 1/2 oz. Storm wild eyed shad. I call them swimbaits, don't know why I need a different name.
  16. The brand or quality does not affect viewing a lcd display. I could not see my nav screen on my last car without facing it head on. On my new car I see the screen from any angle using the same polarized glasses, must be using a different kind of glass. Same make and model car.
  17. I've caught every fish on this list hundreds of times, with the exception of spanish mackerel and smaller stripers a bass combo isn't going to hack it. I'm sure you're catching 10 &12# bass all the time, please believe me a tarpon, jacks, tuna and kings are not quite the same. Unless you are targeting only smaller fish, you'd be taking a knife to a gun fight.
  18. Little more than 10 bucks a lb. http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/01/07/japan-worlds-most-expensive-fish-sold-for-1-8-million/
  19. I've never been with a saltwater guide that furnished anything but spinning gear, deep sea uses conventional reels without a level wind. I would use the guide's gear.
  20. I have caught peacocks in this canal a few years ago. 3100 SW 148th Ave, Miramar, FL 33027
  21. If it wasn't for the drama and story lines reality TV would be ancient history. There are shows I enjoy and others that don't captivate my interest, Wicked Tuna is ok. I could live without Moonshiners or ginseng hunters.
  22. My wife. I could list all the great deals I've made, I could list all the losses too, those are are mere chapters. Success is a journey not a destination, I'm still on the road.
  23. Any one that has read my posts know all I use is braid and spinning gear. Over the last 10 years I've tried many different brands, each one performed well with only one not meeting my expectations. I do expect certain things to happen to my lines based on the areas I fish, types of casts and lighter lures. None of those things happen when I'm strictly fishing open water, long flowing casts and using lures that load the rod up well. Strength is not the #1 reason I use braid, it's the way it manages. I'm satisfied with the diameters of most brands, too thin may create more wind knots, weak spots caused by rubbing up against hard brush alongside a canal bank. That brush may be my main nemesis in freshwater fishing. Line capacity is pretty much moot, do we have bass stripping off 100 yards of line? Even inshore where I do most of my fishing a 100+ yards is not common place. Distance I haven't noticed a significant difference brand to brand or 4 carrier to 8. In a fair appraisal some of the 8 carriers are smoother and a little less noisy, something I don't find bothersome. When I read comments stating "I have no problem with this line", my answer is why should you? Wind knots. backlashes, line being weakened then broke is all part of fishing, IMO those are not problems caused by the brand. Much of it comes down to user error in some fashion. I now shop price, having found a brand quite reasonably priced which is performing excellently in fresh water, I have spooled up a couple of my saltwater reels, so far so go.
  24. I'm from Detroit too. Agree nothing beats time spent on the water learning to fish. My dad start taking me at an early age, we went almost every weekend. He took me every where, I was his fishing companion. Not only did we fish local through out Michigan, we went to Canadian by car and plane, we went ocean fishing, fly fishing, ice fishing, just all kinds of fishing and places. If here were alive today he'd be 99, yesterday was his birthday.
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