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Everything posted by SirSnookalot

  1. I use braid (15#) with leader on both poppers and frogs on a medium rod, sometimes on light and ml but using 10# braid. I have poppers that come with a single hook, I can easily switch to one if I desire. I don't pause long enough for line to sink.
  2. Heat and humidity don't bother me much, what does bother me is algae growth, high weeds, gnats and lethargic fish. My solution is fishing for other species, spending very little time on bass.
  3. My last phone was a razr Maxx battery life was fantastic, camera could have been better but I'm sure the newer models have improved. 6 months ago I got a Galaxy, pretty good overall with a few complaints. Battery life was not as I good as the Maxx, both the sound quality of phone and videos are a bit tinny. Last week I was forced to upgrade from Kit Kat 4.4.2 to Lollipop 5.01 and not without issue. Battery life is even poorer now and some of my apps are no longer compatible. Spending hours on forums I've discovered my problems are relatively minor compared to what other people are going thru. Facebook is the main culprit in reducing battery life, even though the battery analyzer may indicate only 1 or 2%, it's higher than that, much of what FB does the drain will be in Google service or Android OS. The workout around is uninstalling FB or at least log off when not using it. I'll be back with Droid next time around. I'm planning on reactivating my Maxx for my trip so I don't have worry about the battery.
  4. I've noticed over the last couple of months I can no longer upload a photo, in other words attach a file. I've done it countless numbers of times, now I get a message saying file too big to upload. I've always reduced the size, making them even smaller isn't working and cleaning out the cache. No problems with links or cloud downloads. Also I no longer have the delete option, only edit after a post is made. Any one else?
  5. It's all about one's own personal goals and priorities, not a one fit for all solution. Like many I worked from an early age, not a single day of my working life was I unemployed. In the days when I worked for other people I didn't leave a job until I had another lined up, then being self employed I was never out of work. Looking back I'm not sure that being a hard worker early on was either the best thing to do or not. There is big world out there that I didn't see, many things I didn't take the time to do. Many friends and family members did, came back after sewing some of those wild oats and became more focused, in the end things turned out pretty well. Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it, this is my free advice. Just go find yourself and decide what your priorities are, the options are limitless.
  6. I've got a little more than 6 months using 10# US Braid, liked it so much I have 2 inshore setups with 20# for the last few months. The price is attractive, but more important to me is reduced line twist and no wind knots. Using other brands like PP, PP slick, Fins, Suffix I get lots of line twist using both inline spinners and barracuda tubes, I don't even use a BB swivel with my inline spinners. I'm catching some pretty good fish with this line. The negative is locally I can only buy 150 yd spools of orange, I do believe I can order 500 yd spools in green as well as orange.
  7. You can do all the research you want, your going to get both pros and cons on most reels, really just adds to the confusion. Size is another point of debate, some people find smaller reels too small for their hands. Nothing beats putting a reel on a rod and actually knowing how it's going to feel. A reel may weigh less than another which doesn't make it smaller in size. Customer service may be as important as the reel itself. That said I've yet to send a small freshwater reel in for any kind of service, not much can go wrong with them.
  8. I had no pressure, all I had to do was clean fish in my dad's market when I was 9 (never got paid, lol), paper routes, worked in drug stores, stocked shelves midnights at the A & P, repoed vacs and sewing machines, then I got serious and started a business. Pressure is what people went thru during the Great Depression, many people like my dad quit school in the 8 th grade to help support the family. Having 2 fulltime low paying jobs and still barely getting by. My dad would tell me about picking up coal at the RR tracks, they could't afford to buy it to heat the home. He made it along with millions of others just like him, simply because they didn't whine, just did what had to be done. Give advice..........heck I've got my own problems.
  9. For a smaller sized spinning reel the 2 main things I look for is the handle, I prefer a paddle or T rather than a round or small block style. Secondly I like my drag to click in increments, which most of them do except cheaper ones. IPT may be of interest, weight as well. Performance wise I don't there think there is all that much difference in brands with in the same price range. Purely just handling a reel in the store I've found Micthells to be as smooth or smoother than anything I've touched. Not recommending their products as I haven't used them.
  10. Up to the rod not the line to handle the weight of a lure. I use 15# in heavier cover, 20# if I'm snakehead fishing.
  11. Nothing cosmetic or upgrade. I buy what I like in the first placed based on the attributes of the reel. Never could understand changing out the drags until needed, I've never had any problem with stock. The only thing I might do is put a shim underneath the reel foot for a more solid fit, I've only done it a few times.
  12. I spend a lot of time at the beach. In order to press the end butt squarely into one's midsection the rod would have to be held almost straight out, that doesn't allow the rod to work. That is not the way to land a fish IMO from the beach, the rod is pointed higher allowing the natural bend of the rod to play the fish. The butt may be pressing in a little bit but not jammed in. If the fish were big enough I'd say a fighting belt isn't a bad idea.
  13. There isn't a fisherman alive that hasn't lost a fish of any species on a jump or head shake, it's just a fact of life. IMO the main reason is not keeping a tight line, give a fish a split second chance and it's gone. As a fish jumps or head thrashes it's not unusual for hole in the fish's jaw to enlargen, all the more reason for a tight line. An argument can be made for better hooks, stronger line and different rod, I still put the main cause allowing the fish to get away. You can reduce the amount times it's going to happen, you cannot eliminate it completely.
  14. Rust is iron oxide, I don't believe braided lines contain any iron or any ferrous alloy. Aluminum is fairly resistant to corrosion, but can occur. Generally speaking the line on the spool reduces the amount of oxygen coming in contact with bare aluminum, oxygen is the catalyst for rust and corrosion. With minimal maintenance a saltwater reel will not corrode. If one were to be overly concerned, simply taking the line off after each outing then wiping dry or using hair blower would eliminate any problem. I think that's quite a bit over the top. My final step in maintenance is spraying the reel with silicone, some people use a protective wax. I have not seen any difference from my unsprayed reels compared to the sprayed ones, I don't it's all that necessary.
  15. No cut and dried answer for me, depends on species as well as where I'm fishing. I fish only spinning gear, have little interest is super light or super sensitive rods, I don't fish that way. I buy very few items sight un-seen, much of what I buy I've had an opportunity to fish with. When I do buy at a store not only do I saddle up the reel on a rod I take a couple of lures (on leaders) with me, hang them fro the tip, gives me a good idea of feel. My rod criteria is simple, how well it casts and the backbone, the final proof is not in the store but on the water. I'm pretty happy with most of my reels, the occasional problem does arise like line stacking or bail problems, easily remedied. Some of my newer reels have a magnetic bail trip and supposed fail proof bail, I do like the overall use of the reels.
  16. How and where one fishes has much to do with boat selection. I would not want a center console for bass fishing, if I did have I would not have a bimini top, casting can be restrictive. Most down here with center console do have tops, but they mainly drift and troll, casting is not always easy.
  17. There are threads that have been active for many years with thousands of responses, and viewed 10X more. On going for several years and with all those posts, one would think it's been covered pretty well. Threads like that should continue, there are always new members and, possibly new input and the opportunity to voice an opinion. There have been topics started that barely last a page, has that thread really covered all the bases. Topics generally lose wind all on their own and work their way to the back pages. As of late I've been spending time on a few android forums. International as well as BR I can't say how many members but I would say quite a lot. The topics covered, many with very technical responses, while mainly dealing with the newer phones and OS still allow threads to continue dealing with 5 year old out dated smartphones. Why, because people still use them and questions arise. Don't recall ever seeing a "IBFL" or a thread shut down because everything has already been covered.
  18. Light tackle fishing, awesome fish and great technique. Posted in wrong place, no delete button. http://www.topvideosfishing.com/2015/06/the-new-generation-of-ganko-specialized.html
  19. I agree with Capt Bob, yes the Gr lakes can get very rough. Pleasure ride is one thing fishing something else. Back in Michigan had both a 29' & 34', 6 people fishing way too many for me. I don't own a boat in Florida but I'm a member of a boat club, generally I'm out in a 28' sometimes a little smaller. 3 people is our usually outing, once in a while a 4th is invited, that's really more crowded than I care for.
  20. This I agree with, I don't agree with Lund Explorer even though he is my idol. Everyone is entitled to express their opinion or ask a question regardless of age. Moderating, interesting subject. I can certainly understand a thread locked and posts deleted due to policy infringements. I do not understand locked threads where no infraction has occurred. Just saying the topic has been covered pretty well eliminates a member from expressing his/her opinion, not every one is signed on daily. Members IMO are the most important asset of any forum.
  21. I don't make decision until I get there. As another post stated it's about finding fish. Two days ago fishing both salt and fresh, I did real well. Fishing yesterday the same places with the same water conditions, I didn't l have a strike, I didn't find any fish.
  22. I'm old and I don't use them. Jamming a rod into their ribs, hmmmmm. With a bigger fish sometimes the rod is under my armpit or laying across my waist rod at 10 or 11 o'clock with my hand on the foregrip or on the shaft, the butt is never pressed in. People that fish everyday don't get sore or rarely drop their rods in the water, this is a marketing ploy IMO.
  23. I've had problems with international shipping, getting 2+ orders per month it's just not always going to be 100% perfect. I've had customs return items to the sender, packages that stay in the sorting facilities without movement for long periods of time. Domestically I've had very few problems. I had rod delivered broken, clearly the fault of the vendor's packaging and not USPS or UPS's handling. Most packages I get I have to sign for, this is both good and bad. Good that's hand delivered and can't be stolen or damaged by rain due to just leaving it on the doorstep. Inconvenient if I'm not there to receive, means a trip to the PO. Not being home Friday or Saturday I have to wait for Monday morning, my PO is closed on the weekend, years ago it was open.
  24. I understand the reasoning behind using heavier braid, but it isn't for me. I use spinning and braid for just about everything, 10 & 15# for fresh and 15 & 20 for saltwater. Don't find strength or knots to be an issue, I don't concern myself with abrasion. Bass and peacock fishing I don't want to "drag" a fish in 10 seconds or less, I'm there for the strike and the fight. If I lose a fish so be it, I'm going to release it anyway. My attitude in saltwater is no different, 20# is my max inshore, and yes we have both weeds and mats coming in too. I can land a good snook in less than 60 seconds if I catch it off a sea wall, often I open the bail as I want the fight to last longer. Off the beach I can't do that, they fight differently so I need to be more intense. Offshore I have 30# on a couple of 8000 spinners, they have landed large fish.
  25. In reference to the OP what's the problem? Ya got some rods, got some reels, all that's left is to catch fish. When it comes to fishing I have no problems, only decisions. What am taking with me for my intended target species and the location for that day. Catching fish is no problem, either I do or I don't.
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